Question: What's the difference between a federal district judge and God?
Answer: God doesn't think he's a federal district judge.
Or as Winston Churchill once said, "There, but for the grace of God, goes God." Imagine the sheer hubris and limitless ego needed for an unelected jurist to don a black robe and assume the power of commandeering the national security apparatus and tell an aircraft full of dangerous foreign terrorists to turn around and return back to America to terrorize. Did Commissar Boasberg get his black robe from Hogwarts?
Of course, there are a few problems with this, the first being purely logistical. If His Royal Awesomeness Commissar Boasberg is taking over the Venezuelan operation, that leaves the remaining 676 Commissars to split the remaining 194 countries into various principalities to accommodate their imperial administration.
However, I did see that another federal district commissar is assuming operational oversight of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) to prevent it from ending a $20 million grant program begun by former President Biden even as another federal district liege has assumed control of military readiness by blocking President Trump's ban on transexuals serving in the military. Still another federal district overlord says that Trump's dismantling of the corrupt money-laundering machine known as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is likely unconstitutional. History buffs will recall that the USAID clause is written in the Constitution next to the right to stick a fork in a baby's head, which itself adjacent to the divine right of federal judges to appropriate the President's Article II powers.
The logistical challenge of what to do with 677 otherwise idle Federal District Commissars having been solved by dispersing them, like the witch's flying monkeys, throughout the Executive Branch, leaves only one remaining problem. No one elected these judges. They are not answerable to the American people, whom they hold in less esteem than foreigners with a knack for assaulting and murdering the innocent. As Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Homeland Security Advisor Stephen Miller wrote:
Currently, district court judges have assumed the mantle of Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Secretary of Homeland Security and Commander-in-Chief. Each day, they change foreign policy, economic staffing and national security policies of the Administration. The day the nation arises to see what the craziest unelected local federal judge has decided the policies of the government of the United States shall be. It is madness. It is lunacy. It is the gravest assault on democracy. It must and will end.
In his book, "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce defines law as "Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction," and he defines a lawyer as "One who is skilled in circumvention of the law." That last little bit was conclusively demonstrated to me a few days ago when a lawyer acquaintance of mine wrote on social media that "[I]n 1798 Congress enacted the Alien Enemies Act, which specifically provides that when war is declared, the President can remove and treat as hostile all foreign enemy agents on U.S. soil over the age of 14. The statute expressly requires war to be declared (which is a power of Congress)..."
His point is that absent a declaration of war, President Trump cannot summarily remove Venezuelan gang members without each individual having their day in court where a judge will adjudicate whether or not they are members of the Tren de Aragua gang. But the wording of the Alien Enemies Act states:
...Whenever there shall be a declared war between the United States and any foreign government, or any invasion or predatory incursion shall be perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States, by any foreign nation or government, and the President of the United States shall make public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being males of the age of fourteen years and upwards, who shall be in the United States, and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured and removed, as alien enemies.
Seems that the lawyer left something out of his narrative on the requirements for deportation, i.e. "...a declared war between the United States and any foreign government, OR any invasion or predatory incursion..." Ambrose Bierce is correct yet again.
In his deportation proclamation on deporting Tren de Aragua (TdA) members, President Trump stipulates that "TdA has engaged in and continues to engage in mass illegal migration to the United States to further its objectives of harming United States citizens, undermining public safety, and supporting the Maduro regime's destabilizing democratic nations in the Americas, including the United States."
As the brief exchange with the lawyer continued, he wrote, "We used to believe that it was better for 100 guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be imprisoned without trial." Of course, when the number of guilty parties goes from 100 to many millions, we run into another logistical problem, a problem made possible by the studied inaction of jurists at every level who turned a blind eye to millions of unvetted illegal aliens flooding the country in contravention of standing federal law within the last four years alone.
The marauding band of savages who beat, stripped, and repeatedly raped Jocelyn Nungary before throwing her body off a bridge didn't evince so much as a sigh from His Royal Awesomeness Commissar Boasberg or any of the others who are retreating to their fainting couches over a President doing precisely what he was elected to do. They will wax inconsolable over the thought that one of these bloodthirsty savages might not be Mirandized before being spirited out of the country while leaving you to the tender mercies of yet more savages.
These petty black-robed tyrants are doing nothing less than trying to supersede the will of the American people and bog down the President we elected in the judicial quicksand of what Chief Justice Roberts called "the regular appellate process." That is judge-speak for "Your republic may well die waiting on us to fix the mess we've created."
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