
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 210: I Give—I'm Eagerly Welcoming Our AI Overlords

(Reminder: all of the podcast episodes are now in the Kruiser Kabana section of our shiny new podcast page. I will be doing little teaser blurbs here and/or in the Morning Briefing for each new episode.)

I have frequently explored my love/fear relationship with the pace of technology in the 21st century, most recently in a VIP column last month. After just a few days of playing around with ChatGPT (yeah, I was late to the party), I’ve got nothing but love. Screw the pod bay doors and your overwhelming creepiness, HAL — I’m all-in.


In this episode I’m exploring what I think AI will be able to do for me as a writer. There’s a lot of potential, and I’m going to be plunging headlong into experimentation with it for the next several months. Just for kicks, I asked ChatGPT to write me a quick intro poem for the podcast. Here’s what it came up with:

The Kruiser Kabana show is one of a kind,

With guests and topics that blow your mind.

A mix of humor and knowledge, it’s quite a feat,

An entertaining hour that can’t be beat.

So if you’re looking for a podcast to try,

One that will make you laugh and not sigh,

Give the Kruiser Kabana a listen, my friend,

You won’t regret it, it’s a fantastic bend.

It’s not Shakespeare, but it’ll do for an unpaid “staff writer.” This is something that I have been reading a lot about in recent years, and this probably won’t be the last time I write about it. Maybe I’ll chronicle my experiments with it.

Or maybe I’ll have it chronicle my experiments with it.


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The Mailbag of Magnificence contributions can be sent to [email protected].


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