Low-Rent Mind Control? Anheuser-Busch CEO Is a Former CIA Agent

(Bud Light via AP)

One of the weirder aspects of the story of Bud Light making fake woman Dylan Mulvaney its frontman and crashing and burning as a result is that Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth, who several days ago issued the spineless pleasing-no-one non-apology for bringing on Mulvaney, is a former CIA agent. That strange little resume item raises a series of intriguing questions. Is this whole transgender spokesman thing The Company’s latest version of MK-Ultra, its infamous foray into brainwashing and mind control using LSD and other drugs? Has the CIA realized that it doesn’t need to administer mind-altering drugs to people in order actually to alter their minds?


According to the Senate’s 1977 hearings on the CIA’s MK-Ultra program, agents assigned to that program worked on developing substances that would, among other things, “promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public,” and “alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.”

This sounds a good deal like what transgenderism does today. Illogical thinking and impulsiveness are pushed upon young people to the point that they think their problems, adolescent angst or whatever, will be solved if they just mutilate themselves and become dependent upon pharmaceuticals for the rest of their lives. How envious the 1950s CIA agents would have been if they had known that all they needed to accomplish this was a few cans of Bud Light!

Whitworth’s LinkedIn resume is unusual in the extreme. He got a BA, with an odd double major in economics and classics, from Bucknell University in 1998. From there, he joined the Marines, serving as a first lieutenant in Virginia and California. Then in 2001, he joined the CIA, serving in Pakistan, Tunisia, and Iraq, as well as in Washington, as an Operations Officer in the Counterterrorism Center, Clandestine Service.


In 2006, Brendan Whitworth was 29 and had been a CIA agent for five years. Where does one go from there? Whitworth went back to school, graduating from Harvard Business School with an MBA in 2008. There are millions of people with MBAs, but in yet another illustration of George Carlin’s famous adage, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it,” Whitworth started off his business career at the top, immediately becoming Senior Director of Sales at Frito-Lay. After two years hawking Doritos, he moved on to Anheuser-Busch, starting off as Global Vice President for Tech Sales and working his way up to the CEO position, which he got in July 2021.

Resumes of previous Anheuser-Busch CEOs are not all available online, but it seems safe to say that Brendan Whitworth is the first former CIA agent to hold the position. It’s also noteworthy that he is one who has overseen the hitherto staid corporation’s nosedive over the hiring of Dylan Mulvaney. Biden’s handlers have made Americans’ acceptance of the transgender madness a cardinal initiative of this regime. The Biden regime has required schools that receive federal funding for lunch programs to endorse and promote transgenderism, including allowing biological men to use women’s bathrooms. If any school refuses to comply, it is denied federal funds.


Old Joe also signed an executive order outlawing efforts to convince young people not to be homosexual or even to convince those suffering from gender confusion that they should not seek to alter themselves through surgery and pharmaceuticals so that they could pretend to be a member of the opposite sex.

Related: Anheuser-Busch Issues Statement on Bud Light Brouhaha That Will Satisfy No One (Just Like Their Beer)

In Communist regimes, the government takes over the means of production. The Biden regime is more of a fascist system, for in fascist regimes, the means of production remain in private hands but work with the government and do its bidding. We have already seen proof of the Biden regime working with Twitter and the other social media giants in order to silence dissidents. And now we see Anheuser Busch, with its former CIA agent CEO, pushing the same gender madness that the Biden regime is so avid for us all to accept. What a coincidence!

Maybe that’s all it is, of course. But there is no doubt that the mind bending is working much more effectively now than it ever did when the MK-Ultra program was fully operational in the 1950s and 1960s. Who needs LSD when you can just pop open a Bud Light and a bag of Fritos?


Such comparisons are just rhetorical hyperbole, of course. Brendan Whitworth has no doubt left all his clandestine CIA psyops behind him and is now just trying to sell beer. Hasn’t he?


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