Are You a Good Person? Take Our 16-Question Quiz and Find Out!

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EVERYBODY thinks he’s a good person. The bully at your kid’s school would tell you, “I was trying to help him toughen up”; the Nazi death camp guard would say, “We were making a better world”; Michael Bay would tell you, “The Transformers movies should have won Oscars! They were the most underrated film series in movie history!”


So what about you? How do you know if you’re a good person?

Easy… you take this quiz.

As you do, you’ll notice I’ve steered away from political questions since there are good people of every political persuasion. I’ve also avoided religious questions not just because there are good people in many different religions (and some that aren’t religious at all), but because as a Christian I know how easy it can be to kid yourself. “Oh, I’m a Christian and I go to church; therefore I’m a good person.” Maybe… or maybe not. No race, religion, no gender and no ideology has a monopoly on goodness.

So, take this quiz, write down which letter you pick for each number and we’ll see how you score. Make sure to be honest with your answers. After all, a good person would be.


1) In the past year, have you done something of significance for a stranger? For example, have you tithed, done missionary work, bought Christmas presents for a poor family or otherwise done something of note for people you didn’t know?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

2) Have you stolen anything in the last six months? That includes intellectual property, MP3s, bootlegged movies and cable.

  1. A) No
  2. B) Yes

3) Do you consistently treat waiters, maids, customer service agents and people who can’t do anything for you with kindness and respect?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

4) Have you ever cheated on your partner or slept with someone who’s married or engaged to another person?

  1. A) No
  2. B) Yes


5) In the past six months, have you been mean to someone who wasn’t rude to you first in person or online?

  1. A) No
  2. B) Yes

6) Have you ever told someone the truth because it was the right thing to do even though it would have served your interests much better to lie? (For example, “Yes, I cheated on the test.” “Before you buy my car, I have to tell you the transmission is acting funny.”)

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

7) In the past year, have you helped someone move, helped someone clear the table or helped clean up after a party or event that you didn’t throw?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

8) When someone pays you money to do work for him, do you feel like it’s important that he gets his money’s worth?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No


9) Are you a good tipper?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

10) Have you complimented someone in the past six months without hoping to get anything in return?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

11) Do you feel like you follow the Golden Rule? Do you consistently treat other people the way you’d like to be treated?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

12) Are you ambitious? Are you pushing yourself to reach your full potential or would you be better described as slothful or lazy?

  1. A) Yes, I work hard.
  2. B) No, I’m slothful.


13) Would it bother you if you gave someone your word, made a promise, or had a deal with someone and at the end, you didn’t feel like you had fulfilled your obligations?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

14) Would you feel guilty or shamed by taking food stamps, welfare, or other government benefits you had not earned? (This would be regardless of whether you took the benefits or not.)

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

15) Do you question whether you are a good person and wonder how you could treat other people better?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

16) Even if you strongly disagreed with a person’s views, could they trust you to be honest about them and treat them fairly despite your disagreement?

  1. A) Yes
  2. B) No

Score your quiz below:


13-16 “A” Answers: You are a good person! We could use a lot more people like you!

9-12 “A” Answers: You may not be quite where you need to be yet, but you’re better than most people.

5-8 “A” Answers: We both know you should be better than this.

1-4 “A” Answers:  Wow, I didn’t really think anyone would score this low. Maybe psychopaths or war criminals or something, but are they really doing a test like this online? I mean, I don’t want to say you’re living an evil life… so I’ll stop there.


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