Hispanic Voters Prove How Dangerous the Democrats' Far-Left Shift Has Become

AP Photo/David Goldman

On Friday, I reported that there’s even more bad news for the Biden camp leading up to the 2022 midterm elections. With Biden’s approval ratings down to 41.3% and the historical trends for presidential polling in midterm years working against the president, the scenario is less than rosy.


Last week, my PJ Media colleague Athena Thorne reported on a fascinating trend shaping up for November: Hispanics hold the Biden administration in the lowest esteem of all ethnic groups, according to a Quinnipiac poll.

“But by far the group that can’t stand President Blither the most is — hold onto your narrative! — Hispanic Americans, she writes. “And of those who disapprove, an overwhelming majority (41% of the 59%) disapprove strongly.”

Hispanic approval ratings for the president are at a dismal 26%, barely a quarter, according to the poll. A paltry 12% strongly approve of Biden. It’s brutal, and one of the main reasons for it is the Democrats’ far-left stances on cultural issues.

Hispanic voters are far more socially conservative than many other groups. The gender debate is one of those issues. Over at the Washington Examiner, Tom Joyce points out that Hispanic communities haven’t taken well to the gender cult’s hold on Democratic policy.

“In 2018, for example, the overwhelmingly Hispanic city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, voted against making gender identity a protected class in Massachusetts, even as the state voted 68% to 32% to make it happen,” he writes.


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And what about abortion? Three-fourths of Hispanic voters identify as Christian, many of them Catholic, and they respect the unborn. While the Democrats have moved beyond “safe, legal, and rare” to abortion as a sacrament of the woke religion, Hispanics tend to side with the pro-life movement.

Hispanics don’t take too kindly to the left’s war on language, either. A whopping 40% of Hispanic voters take offense to the left’s favorite term for them, “Latinx,” probably because it doesn’t make sense according to the rules of English or Spanish.

And don’t forget about immigration as an issue. The longer Hispanics stay in the U.S., the more they tend to identify themselves as Americans rather than natives of their home country, and the further to the right they move on immigration.

“The next time some leftist robot tells you only racists could be against Biden’s open border, you can show them this poll,” Athena points out in her article. “Why, it’s almost as if people who played by the rules and came here legally don’t really want every scumbag from their old homeland rolling into their new homeland and helping themselves to taxpayer goodies.”


Athena also wisely notes that Hispanics don’t care for the crackdown on freedom that has become the domain of Biden and his Democratic ilk.

“I’m going out on a limb here and suggesting that people who uprooted their lives and left their homes to escape corrupt socialist countries didn’t go to all that trouble just to land in yet another corrupt socialist country,” she writes.

The Democrats have been able to rely on the Hispanic vote for decades, but that leftward shift proves that the party has either taken them for granted or that it doesn’t care anymore. Either attitude is likely to come back to haunt them in November and beyond.


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