In an op-ed for the Washington Examiner, Romney lays out his case (emphasis mine):
My own view is clear. I stand with the Catholic Bishops and all religious organizations in their strenuous objection to this liberty- and conscience-stifling regulation. I am committed to overturning Obamacare root and branch. If I am elected President, on day one of my administration I will issue an executive order directing my Secretary of Health and Human Services to issue a waiver from its requirements to all 50 states. And on day one I will eliminate the Obama administration rule that compels religious institutions to violate the tenets of their own faith. Such rules don’t belong in the America that I believe in.
The America I believe in is governed by the U.S. Constitution and I will not hesitate to use the powers of the presidency to protect religious liberty.
CNSNews asked the Romney campaign about the extent of this written promise, and the response went even farther than the original op-ed:
Through his campaign press office, asked Romney today via email about this: “Will Mitt Romney, on day one, rescind this mandate in its entirety—as the Catholic Church has urged the current administration to do—so that individuals, employers and insurers who have a ‘moral or religious objection to contraception or sterilization’ will not be forced to violate the tenets of their own faith or act against their consciences?”
Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams responded: “Yes–Governor Romney would rescind the mandate in its entirety.”
This is highly likely to upset groups like NARAL, especially when he told them back in 2002 that he’d be “moderate” on abortion, which to them probably sounded like “I’ll support your goals,” because I doubt NARAL thinks of themselves as extreme. Of course, running for the GOP nomination or–if he wins the nomination–against Obama, he probably wouldn’t be supported by NARAL at all, so it’s likely no great loss if he upsets them.
The big question is, will this mollify the pro-lifers (like myself) who are wary of what a President Romney might do about abortion? I’ve said many times that if it comes down to Romney vs. Obama in the general election, I’ll vote for Romney, but I’m still not convinced enough to cut him a check or declare myself a supporter.
(image from AP/Gerald Herbert and found on the CNSNews story linked above)
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