Kruiser's 'The Worst of Times' for the week of Aug. 15-21, 2022

New York Times office. Image by tacskooo from Pixabay

(NOTE: I read The New York Times Opinion section so that others don’t have to. While I could write something every day that mocks the lunacy there, I decided to just highlight a few of them once a week. I’ll also offer one from The Washington Post so they don’t feel left out. I provide the actual headline from the op-ed and go from there. Enjoy.)


There wasn’t quite as much Liz Cheney fare in the Times and WaPo opinion sections last week as one might have expected. As is usually the case with useful idiot Republicans, Cheney’s Democratic overlords seem to be moving on from her quickly now that her usefulness is fading. Her overwhelming loss did make it feel like the Opinion kids had Trump on the brain more than usual if that’s even possible.

Let us dive into the daddy issues.

1: The Mysteries of Mar-a-Lago

This guest essay starts off with an absolutely delicious ridiculous premise:

Donald J. Trump loves to attack the “deep state” — the imaginary cabal of soldiers, spies and secret agents seeking to destroy him from within the government. In the last year of his presidency, he aimed to slay that mythical beast.

Those of us who remember the pre-Obama Democrats of yesteryear know that leftists used to frequently rail about a secret cabal of puppetmaster billionaires who were really in control of the United States government. Once Trump offered a version of it they began calling it “imaginary.”

This is yet another breathless, “Now we’ve finally got him!” pile of speculative opinion dung. None of them grasp that they’ve been writing this story in various forms since 2016 and never having any success.

It’s also an unwitting admission that the Mar-a-Lago raid was a fishing expedition.


Keep hanging out in the field, Linus, the Great Pumpkin ain’t gonna show.

2: What Is Fun? Can I Have It? Will We Ever Have It Again?

This tortured examination of a childhood gone horribly awry is the kind of thing that can only spring from the mind of a permanently aggrieved prog. It’s a dry, clinical examination of fun which none too surprisingly manages to suck all of the fun out of fun.

As only a leftist could.

When the author tells you that she Googles “What is fun?” you immediately start looking for the nearest exit.

3: Republicans Are America’s Problem

Charles Blow once again offers a valid reason to have law enforcement do a wellness check on him, if only because he may bore himself and the drunk progressives in his audience to death by regurgitating the “Republicans are evil racists because they won’t act like Democrats” crap. This is such a tired nonthinking approach that I doubt even most Dems can read it without an eye-roll.

Blow is not a serious thinker. He’s essentially a teenage girl in grown man form, gushing senseless emotions all about the place and thinking that he’s making a point. A lot of his Trapper Keeper opinions really boil down to the Democrat talking point that any attempts to increase election transparency and integrity are really “restrictive.”

If you want to believe that it’s nigh on impossible for the elderly and minorities to get valid state-issued identification, it’s a cool story.


If you live on Earth, it’s garbage.

PostScript: Is there no crime Trump could commit that would lose him GOP support?

This was written by WaPo contributor Catherine Rampell, who apparently has limited internet access and isn’t aware of how much of her outrage has been debunked. She cites the Charlottsville lie, the “kids in cages” talking point, and — because it’s what they do — one of the hundreds of unproven smears from the J6 House Select Committee on Daddy Issues kangaroo court.

Rampell’s recitation of DNC-approved worn-out slander is so intellectually lazy that she makes Charles Blow look like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all rolled into one.

Get back to me if a crime is actually committed, not just dreamed about by you and your employers.

As always, this was fun.

The tacos are, as always, calling.

See you next week!


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