Kruiser's 'The Worst of Times' for the Week of Feb. 14—20, 2022

New York Times office. Image by tacskooo from Pixabay

(NOTE: I read The New York Times Opinion section so that others don’t have to. While I could write something every day that mocks the lunacy there, I decided to just highlight a few of them once a week. I’ll also offer one from The Washington Post so they don’t feel left out. I provide the actual headline from the op-ed and go from there. Enjoy.)


This is a truly momentous occasion for “The Worst of Times” column this week as there isn’t anything from Paul Krugman. It’s not that he didn’t write anything stupid last week, it’s just that there was so much to pick from that I had the luxury of excluding him. I’m sure he’ll return next week.

Let us now see who did make the list.

1. The Moral Danger of Declaring the Pandemic Over Too Soon

Hoo-boy, this hot mess of an Op-Ed. It’s written by an epidemiology professor and AIDS activist who tries to draw parallels between AIDS in the early 1990s and COVID today. It’s not really an “apples and oranges” comparison, it’s more like a “Granny Smith and Fuji” comparison, but it’s still a stretch. The headline is what makes the whole thing problematic. No one is really declaring the pandemic over; most are just saying that it’s manageable. There is greater moral danger in fear-mongering, which this descends into.

The COVID Forever people need some fiber in their diets and perhaps an introduction to day drinking. People shouldn’t spend their lives being that miserable about what might happen.

2. Don’t Cede the Space Race to China and the Billionaires

There’s a lot of nonsensical stuff to unpack in this article, but let me just offer you one paragraph that pretty much explains why relying on our government may not be the best option:

In 1961, when Kennedy proposed to send Americans to the moon, a senator warned that the administration had “a lot of missionary work” to do. That is surely the case today. Mr. Nelson has been making a persistent pitch for funding, but Congress appears unpersuaded. President Biden, for his part, has signaled support for Artemis but is more focused on the nation’s commercial and military capabilities in space, as well as the vantage point that space provides to observe climate change. Vice President Kamala Harris, the chair of the National Space Council, rarely mentions human spaceflight, stressing instead “the responsibility to look to our home planet.”


Artemis is NASA’s new moon mission. It hopes to land “the first woman and the first person of color on the moon in 2025.”

While Elon Musk is working on a rocket that will get humans to Mars, NASA is focused on re-accomplishing something 56 years after it first did it. It’s like a middle-aged former high school jock trying to relive his glory days in a slow-pitch softball league.

In a full uniform that really shows off that beer gut.

3. We May End Up Living in Three Americas if Roe v. Wade Is Decimated

I won’t even pretend that I don’t take great delight in the panic that the pro-aborts are experiencing these days. Articles like this make frequent appearances in the Opinion sections of all of the mainstream media rags. It’s not surprising that the abortion ghoul who wrote this is a college professor. Drug cartels have a stronger moral code than the depraved lunatics who control academia. If we do end up living in three Americas I want to make sure I’m in the one that Professor Mengele here isn’t.

PostScript: California is sending warning signals to Democrats

This Op-Ed is referring to the recently recalled San Francisco school board members. The author notes that the deposed board members had been “insufficiently attentive” to the parents. There isn’t much wrong with the piece; I just found it amusing that the Post thinks that it’s San Francisco that is sending the message.

WaPo‘s beat isn’t just Washington, but part of Virginia as well. I lost count of how many Opinion pieces there were slamming Gov. Glenn Youngkin last week. The Post has been working overtime to draw all of the wrong conclusions from last November’s election in Virginia, which was when the real warning signal was sent to the Democrats.


Because the parental uprising happened in San Francisco, liberals no longer think that the parents are terrorists. It’s magic!

The Democrats have lost the upper hand they once enjoyed on education issues. It’s just one of many warning signals they have to interpret.

They can’t possibly get to all of them before November.

See you next week!


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