PAGING DR. FAUCI: Can COVID-19 Vaccinated People Eat Indoors Now?

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool

My disdain for Dr. Anthony Fauci is somewhat apparent if you have followed my writing. His communication to those people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 has been just bizarre. While bemoaning vaccine hesitancy, he tells people who are vaccinated that they still have to abide by restrictions like masking and avoiding indoor spaces like restaurants.


Tucker Carlson was right to ask whether America’s health bureaucracy was being dishonest about the vaccine’s effectiveness or about the continuation of restrictions during his monologue on April 13, 2021. It was a question Dr. Fauci did not answer when he “showed Tucker” in a CNN interview. Carlson clarified the question on his next show, and now maybe Fauci will have to answer it. However, CNN’s hosts are unlikely to issue the same challenge.

How invested is CNN/DNC in keeping you panicked and scared? Check out this headline before you find out what the story actually says: “So far, 5,800 fully vaccinated people have caught Covid anyway in US, CDC says” is CNN’s take on breaking news from the CDC.

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What the headline should read is, “Of over 77 million fully-vaccinated Americans, only 74 contracted and died from COVID-19.” For those of you who like statistics, that is 0.000096%, so effectively zero. There were also 396 hospitalizations for COVID-19 post-vaccination. Assuming the 74 who died were in that number, 0.00042% of those vaccinated ended up hospitalized but later recovered. This group is a subset of 5,800 vaccinated individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 post-vaccination, or 0.0075%. From CNN’s story:

This is the CDC’s first public accounting of breakthrough cases, and the agency is searching for patterns based on patient age and gender, location, type of vaccine, variants and other factors.

“So far, about 5,800 breakthrough cases have been reported to CDC. To date, no unexpected patterns have been identified in case demographics or vaccine characteristics,” the CDC told CNN via email.


Note the line “no unexpected patterns have been identified in case demographics or vaccine characteristics.” From this statement, it is reasonable to assume most of the tiny fraction of individuals who had a severe illness or died from COVID-19 after receiving the vaccination were elderly, severely ill, had one of several high-risk pre-existing conditions, or had some combination of those factors. This news is tragic for their families, as any death is for loved ones. But on a population basis, this is excellent news.

Unless you work for CNN. After providing the CDC’s statement, CNN apparently feels compelled to remind you that there could be more we just don’t know about yet:

About 77 million people in the US are fully vaccinated against coronavirus, according to a CNN analysis of CDC data. The CDC’s reports on breakthrough cases will lag day-to-day reports of vaccines given, so many, if not most, of those breakthrough cases will have happened weeks ago.

Then in graph six, the writers finally admit, albeit grudgingly:

Nonetheless, the total represents a very small percentage of those who have been vaccinated.

No kidding? Instead of “very small,” the writers should have said “infinitesimal,” or “very small, approaching zero.” It appears the CNN employee caught on tape by Project Veritas was not the only one who feels that dragging out the pandemic is good for ratings. The first question they should have asked in response to the CDC’s following statement is “Why?”:


“Vaccine breakthrough infections make up a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated. CDC recommends that all eligible people get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as one is available to them. CDC also continues to recommend people who have been fully vaccinated should keep taking precautions in public places, like wearing a mask, staying at least six feet apart from others, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, and washing their hands often.”

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Of course, wash your hands. However, it would seem the risk of dying post-vaccination is far lower than, say, getting in your car in the morning or eating a diet full of refined sugar and hydrogenated fats. Approximately 77 million Americans are fully vaccinated. Another 31 million or so have tested positive. According to a conservative estimate that the testing regime picked up one out of four cases, a total of about 124 million have been exposed.  Somewhere around 74 million are under 18 and are not prone to severe illness as a group.

That is in the neighborhood of 275 million Americans who should feel pretty confident walking around and doing pretty much everything they did pre-COVID. Dr. Marty Makary predicted that we could get to a pretty good place by April. Perhaps the establishment just doesn’t want a dissident thinker to be correct.

The CDC and Dr. Fauci even fall short of the carrot-and-stick mentality articulated by Dr. Lena Wen when she suggested the vaccinated should get explicit permission from the CDC to participate in everyday activities to encourage higher vaccination rates. As odious as you might find her position, at least it makes sense if you want to promote vaccination. This messaging from the health bureaucracy does not.


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So, I would like to invite the fully-vaccinated Dr. Fauci to North Georgia. This recovered patient has been dining at full capacity indoors for nine months, out for a fantastic steak dinner. No masks allowed. Heck, I’ll even pick up the tab. If he refuses, he needs to answer why. If the vaccinations prove to be so effective, why do restrictions need to stay in place? The risk will never be zero, though it looks like it is getting pretty close for fully-vaccinated Americans.


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