NAACP Leader Confused About Why Woke White People Have Co-opted the George Floyd Riots

AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Portland NAACP President E.D. Mondaine is operating under the false premise that the city’s have anything to do with the death of George Floyd. For these anarcho-communist insurrectionists, Floyd’s death was a convenient invigorating event. For the leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization, it is about an ideological agenda, and they use black men killed by police as a rallying point.


How do we know this? It is pretty easy to find videos of mostly white black-clad agitators painting graffiti, smashing windows and attacking police officers from the first riots in Minneapolis. Often these were taken by black protestors that were begging with them to stop or preventing them from doing more damage. Antifa and their allies were never concerned about police brutality or police reform. They want chaos.

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Mondaine’s op-ed in the Washington Post laments that the protests in Portland were supposed to be about black lives but have turned into a white spectacle. In reality, antifa has been terrorizing Portland for three years. The death of George Floyd was just an excuse to go on a weeks-long temper tantrum.

Antifa’s often violent, live-action role-play of impending revolution has been proceeding unabated thanks to Mayor Ted Wheeler. But even his wildly progressive streak and permissiveness have not earned him any recognition from the mob. He was eventually tear-gassed and chased by the mob after joining the frontlines of the riots.

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Likewise, the leaders of Black Lives Matter are openly Marxist. Their agenda goes far beyond moderate police reform that will improve accountability and transparency. Their most visible petition is to defund the police.


We call for a national defunding of police. We demand investment in our communities and the resources to ensure Black people not only survive, but thrive. If you’re with us, add your name to the petition right now and help us spread the word.

Yet wherever local leaders have bought into this canard, black bodies have been piling up for weeks. Whether it is an eight-year-old girl shot by Peaceful Protestors™ ostensibly occupying a Wendy’s parking lot in Atlanta or three young black men shot in the Summer of Love™ in Seattle’s CHOP, black people are dying. Removing or demoralizing police officers in these areas will cost countless black lives. And local community leaders know it.

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In fact, more unarmed black people have been killed in the uptick in murder across the nation and related to riots than were killed by police in 2019. The consensus on the latter number is 14. Murder is up 31% year over year in Atlanta and 46% in Denver. In Chicago, murders have increased 46% over the full year of 2019, and it is only July. Likewise, New York City sees an uptick in murder. June was the bloodiest month for shootings since 1996. Sadly, many of these victims are teens and children.

If Mondaine and the NAACP are serious about the sentiment that black lives matter, they need to distance themselves from the group named Black Lives Matter. They should also take a look in the rearview mirror.


There was a significant degree of consensus about the death of George Floyd. From the White House to people watching the news at home, the actions of Officer Chauvin were condemned, and accountability was called for. The Attorney General Bill Barr immediately announced a federal investigation, following the arrest of Chauvin.

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There was also broad agreement on some elements of police reform. Extensive use of body cameras, a registry of officers where there is an investigation that finds abuse, looking at qualified immunity, and other items had support from the right and the left. It was time for discussion, not protests, riots, and looting.

While it appears Mondaine has bought into the 1619 version of history, I agree with him on one point:

But recent events might be a sign that our work in the streets should be coming to an end.

I am not suggesting retreat. Instead, I am proposing that we take the cause of Black Lives Matter into those places where tear gas and rubber bullets and federal agents cannot find us, and where there is less risk of spectacle distracting from our true aims.

Excellent idea. Leave the anarcho-communists alone in the street so their insurrection can be dealt with. Their cause is not your cause, and they are not your so-called “allies”.  After you pack up, give Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.). He has been pushing police reform for five years. He has a bill that covers many consensus policy points.


If you want to protest, schedule one at the office of the Democrats who stopped that bill from coming to the floor. Tell them you want some progress now and to stop politicizing the issue. It is not Republicans who are standing in the way of progress on this issue. It is the Democrats who are giving cover to the same woke white anarchists who co-opted your movement.

Democrats who give lip service to the issue without taking any action are the ones who need to be called out. Not President Trump. Not Republicans generally. Who turns down 80% of what they are seeking because they can’t have 100%? Senator Chuck Schumer and his caucus Democrats. They are the ones you should be furious with.

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