President Joe Biden, in a speech on climate change in Brayton Point, Mass., on Wednesday, claimed he has cancer.
Was it just one of his usual nonsensical, vacant word salads, or does Biden actually have cancer? No word yet from the White House either confirming or denying the claim.
Biden says that his mother using windshield wipers to "get literally the oil slick off the window" is "why I and so damn many other people have cancer."
— (@townhallcom) July 20, 2022
Speaking in front of a dystopian backdrop, Biden said [syntax errors all original] that climate change poses “literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger,” citing climate alarmists scientists who have issued a “code red for humanity.” It’s “literally an existential threat,” he intoned as he fiddled with his sunglasses.
Related: Weekend at Biden’s
“Today we’re here at Brayton Point,” he declared amid the rubble of a now-defunct power plant. “Five years ago, this power plant that once stood with cooling towers 500 feet high closed down. The coal plant at Brayton Point was the largest of its kind in New England. One thousand five hundred megawatts of power, enough to power one-in-five Massachusettes homes and businesses.”
“For over 50 years, this plant supported this region’s economy through the electricity they supplied, the good jobs they provided, and the taxes they paid,” he continued. “But the plant, like many others around the country, had another legacy. One of toxins, smog, greenhouse gas emissions. The kind of pollution that contributed to the climate emergency we now face today.”
He claimed that people in the area used to have to wipe oil coming from the plant off their car windshields, “not very much unlike the place where I grew up, a place called Claymont, Delaware, which has more oil refineries than Houston, Texas, had in (unintelligible) just across the line in Pennsylvania and all the prevailing winds were our way.
He continued meandering down memory lane.
“I just lived up the road in an apartment complex when we moved to Delaware and just up the road a little school I went to, Holy Rosary Grade School, and because it was a four-lane highway, that was accessible, my mother drove us and rather than us be able to walk,” he said. “And guess what? The first frost. You know what was happening. You had to put on your windshield wipers, literally, to get the oil slick off the window. That’s why I and so many damn other people I grew up with have cancer and why can—Delaware for the longest time had the highest cancer rate in the nation.”
Fact-checkers will no doubt weigh in as to whether any of what Biden spewed forth is true. In November 2019, the White House released a report on Biden’s health that included the following:

Is that what Biden was talking about? Non-melanoma skin cancers that were removed before he became president? The report said there were no “areas suspicious for cancer.” So does Biden have some new form of cancer we’re just being made aware of, or was he just confused and inarticulate?
We await word from the White House.
Update 4:15 p.m.: The White House issued a statement denying that Biden currently has cancer:
After his "I and so many damn people have cancer" remark, the @WhiteHouse was quick to clarify that @JoeBiden has had several non-melanoma skin cancers removed, but remains a "healthy" 79-year old
— John Roberts (@johnrobertsFox) July 20, 2022
Watch the entire speech here if you can bear it:
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