The Big Lift: It's Not Going to Work

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

You don’t have to be a cynic to believe that the lifting of the mask mandates has to do with the 2022 midterms. The masks were never really scientific; they were always a Democrat-crafted bridle.


They may have impeded Dr. Anthony “Gain-of-Function” Fauci’s droplets, just like they impede any viral droplets. But as the omicron variant proved, unless it’s an N95 secured with duct tape, the microscopic airborne agents do their dirty work. Some experts conclude that the masks may have been counterproductive, with all that Fauci “fidgeting.”

How in hell can a person sit unmasked at a restaurant table while all around them people walk to their tables with masks on? Wouldn’t the sitter be spewing the viral agents? So much of it just didn’t add up. When grassroots anti-vax alarm bells started ringing, the narrative became: “Okay, we’re going to see a lot of breakthrough cases, but the severity of illness would have been much worse if not for the vaccines.”

There was no way of knowing what, or who, to believe.

Now, as America prepares to return to what used to be polling places, and what are now amorphous drop zones, it’s time to pull off the masks and breathe free again. You don’t have to be cynical to be convinced the Democrats will attempt to take a full measure of the credit. With Trump gone and the 2020 election “secured,” Democrats believe, with justification, that enough people, mostly in their base, are just that stupid.

A lot of what the Democrats’ pulled off before and during the last cycle was not stupid—but dastardly. Start with the Russia hoax, then the Trump impeachments, and finally the coup de grace, a textbook example of not letting a crisis go to waste. COVID-19—the Chinese Wuhan Bat Pandemic—which made faceless the cowed masses and enabled unconstitutional electoral practices in swing states.


What the Democrats tirelessly manufactured will go down as one of the greatest partisan revocations of a popular mandate in history.

Related: Fantasy Retail: The Great Unmasking

By November, barring some variant nightmare out of some s&%#-hole country, we’ll be face to face again. It will seem in the weeks to come that we’ve all dropped down on some different, friendlier planet. We might even shake hands again.

Look for an overriding Democrat narrative about how what they did was instrumental in the citizenry’s new facial freedom. They’re not putting too fine a messaging point on it yet, but in their rogue sensibilities, they are surely banking on some kind of collective exhalation of relief, the wonder of unmasked breathing, to make it seem as if the leftist regime currently in office has delivered us all.

It’s visceral, of the body, not the mind, and one has to grant that for the woefully underinformed—many of whom unfortunately vote—this breath of fresh air will have great power.

It could have worked to forestall what many—but not all—knowledgeable observers prognosticate will be a 2022 Democrat shellacking.  It could have worked had the Democrat Party done a few things differently. If they’d handled COVID in exactly the same manner as they have and changed much of everything else they did, they could be sitting in a midterm catbird seat.

If they would have retained President Trump’s border policies, and stanched the invasion currently taking place. If they would have approved Trump’s greenlight position towards American energy policy, specifically in regard to the Keystone Pipeline, and refrained from signing off on the Russo-German pipeline. If they would have consulted Mr. Trump’s probable playbook on the Afghanistan withdrawal, and made some effort to protect human life, military assets, and some vestige of honor. If they would have early and often distanced themselves from the intractably corrupted BLM and other such anti-American entities.  If they would have taken to The Madness of King Joe’s pulpit and issued federal guidelines for countering the death-dealing lawlessness that has stricken the nation. If they would have treated concerned parents with respect with regard to poisons like CRT, instead of labeling them terrorists.


If they would have. Obviously, a compendium could be filled with such examples.

But they never would have done any of these things. Not only is the Biden administration profoundly inept, but it also is not ideologically predisposed to saving America from a disgusting social justice globalism. Under the thumb of a rabid far-left, Democrats in the farthest-back backrooms are in deep consultation, hell-bent on doing just the opposite.

But concocting a fiction about the Big Lift won’t work.

After the masks come off, we won’t forget the face of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, as she tyrannically, and with a discernable smirk, cracked down on her countrymen and women. We won’t forget the laughing countenance of rad-left Gov. Gavin, mask-less in Napa after bankrupting great swaths of entrepreneurship in California. We don’t ever forget the Marxist slime known as American Federation of Teachers boss Randi Weingarten, the way she used the vast suffering of the pandemic to do to America’s schoolchildren what Flip Flop Fauci’s NIH-funded research did to captive animals.

There it is, and all the fresh air in this great nation won’t undo the damage done.

Let’s proceed with the national mask-burning parties—they are already being organized. Republicans, Independents, and Democrats too, from sea to shining sea will rejoice to remove these face-diapers.

But there’s a winning plurality that won’t forget, will never forget.



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