Will the 'Tucker Tapes' Make a Difference in How Americans Now View Jan. 6?

AP Photo/Richard Drew

If you aren’t watching the Jan. 6 “Tucker Tapes” on Fox News you’re missing history being made — and the liberal meltdowns are a nice little sideshow.


The “Tucker Tapes” are exposing to the world what really happened on Jan. 6, 2021.

Rather than showing us throngs of sadistic MAGA-capped berserkers smiting scores of police with their terrible swift swords Trump flags, we are seeing what a real, mostly peaceful protest looks like.

The video shows a few hooligans breaking windows. We’ve seen those videos on auto-repeat for over two years. But now we are seeing videos of polite Trumpers walking through the Capitol between velvet ropes. Trump supporters — of all ages — strolling through Our House peacefully and respectfully.

Q Shaman, aka Jacob Chansley
AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File

The first episode of Carlson’s Jan. 6 tapes smashed several commie Jan. 6 myths, including:

  • Jacob Chansley, the man above who looks like a howling water buffalo — and is arguably the poster boy for all things Jan. 6 — didn’t battle his way through the Capitol. He was all but given a private guided tour by two police officers. The cops attempted to open a Senate door for him, but it was locked. At one point, he was surrounded by nine officers. He fought no one. The police didn’t attempt to arrest or even stop him. Chansley would eventually be sentenced to almost four years in Federal prison.

FACT-O-RAMA! Several Capitol police testified that they didn’t arrest Chansley because they didn’t want to escalate the situation yet somehow found it necessary to shoot the diminutive — and unarmed — Ashli Babbit through a door.

  • Officer Brian Sicknick wasn’t killed by a Trump supporter hoisting a fire extinguisher. He wasn’t murdered at all. The video shows Sicknick waving Trump supporters toward a door — long after he was supposedly “murdered” by a bloodthirsty MAGA crowd. It never happened. Sicknick suffered a stroke on Jan. 7 and sadly passed away.

These are two huge takeaways from Tucker’s first Jan. 6 video release because they smash the narrative that a massive — and unarmed — group of “seditious traitors” tried to topple the government.

FARCE-O-RAMA! Roughly 100 people — out of a crowd of tens of thousands of — have been arrested for violent behavior on Jan. 6. That is the definition of a “mostly peaceful protest.”

The cherry on Tucker’s sundae is the squealing from the left. Legacy communists like Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and the traitorous Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have both whined about how much they hate the transparency that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has given the world by releasing the tapes to Carlson.

Related: ‘This Was Insurrection. It Just Was.’ Their Bubble Burst, Leftists Rage at Tucker

The morning after we watched the first round of Tucker Tapes, Schumer woke up early to tell the world to ignore their lyin’ eyes, discredit the Tucker Tapes, and continue to swallow the bolshie flapdoodle that he and the rest of the Democrats — especially the Pravda-ites in the media — have been disgorging for two years.


The left — as well as the global commies looking to enslave us — needs the world to believe the grim fairy tale that Trump inspired an “insurrection” over what looks more and more like a stolen election. Tucker’s undoctored tapes are showing us the reality — vs. the folklore — of what happened just over two years ago in the U.S. Capitol.

Will the videos make a difference?

I asked my radio audience on Wednesday if the Tucker Tapes have changed how they view the insurrection mostly peaceful protest of Jan. 6.

Three out of four callers said the tapes won’t change their opinions — they already strongly suspected there was no “insurrection.” The fourth caller — a lib — went on a crazy and untrue rant about how Trump said “a lot of Mexicans are rapists,” and that “a lot” means at least 51%. Huh?

RADIO-RAMA! You can hear The Kevin Downey, Jr. Show every Mon-Fri from 10:00-11:00 am at LINEWSRADIO.com and catch the repeats here.

I believe — based on the responses of the lefty chupacabras who are pooping their non-binary underoos over Tucker’s reporting — that Tucker has exposed the latest Democrat cock gender-questioning and bull story.


The idea of J6 being an “insurrection” has just been fast-forwarded to the smoldering heap of Democrat bull-dung mythology — including such greatest hits misses as:

  • Russia collusion
  • COVID-19 came from a bat sandwich
  • Jussie Smollett
  • Vaccines work

Every exposed liberal lie brings us closer to the final battle — the alleged hallucination that Joe Biden got 81 million votes.

It’s Wednesday, the commies are in a spit-rage, and it’s time for a bourbon.

Let’s have a laugh and check out the newest video from my friends at “Jokes and a Point.” Conservatives are way funnier than weepy libturds. Take a look, and you’ll agree.


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