During the 1960s, the University of California, Berkeley was ground zero in the battle for free speech. Long-haired freaky people marched and fought for their Bill of Rights. The mantra was, “I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.”
Fifty-seven years and two generations later, the grandchildren of those freedom-loving hippies are now fighting against free speech, because words hurt and their parents never said “no” to them. Today, Berkeley’s participation-trophy-winning, pink-haired, spoon-fed hipster girls/boys/she-dudes get their panty liners in a bundle every time Ann Coulter drops in for a speech.
Watch this brief video below. A snotty student declares that HE has decided where free speech ends. Near the end of the video, the news anchor actually kinda, sorta commends the self-indulgent, cry-baby mob for not rioting or starting fires. He doesn’t mention that the students of Berkeley have made a 180-degree turn from their beatnik grandparents. Free speech is no longer cool. Today’s Berkeley brat embraces fascism.
My parents were JFK Democrats. My dad claimed he voted for Trump in 2016 for several reasons, one of which was that the Democrats were “no longer the party of JFK.” I didn’t have the heart to tell him it was no longer even the party of Bill Clinton.
When the debate about gay people in the military raged, Bill Clinton, stuck on the fence, famously suggested “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Today, as the Chinese army practices to slaughter American soldiers, our newly woke military is busy racking up hours of “diversity and inclusion” training. It’s nice to know the enemy’s pronouns before a firefight.
As I see it, both parties have taken a step to the left. But the Democrats have hit the gas and have taken their clown car over Libtard gulch.
FACT-O-RAMA! If you want to make a liberal’s head explode, ask her/him/zhim-zhim “who was the first, major-party presidential candidate to never campaign on an anti-gay marriage platform.” The answer is Donald Trump.
Watch Hillary Clinton tell professional lesbian Ellen Degeneres that she opposes gay marriage.
Now watch Biden say that he and the Bamster oppose gay marriage.
In roughly 23 years, the Democrat party went from opposing gay marriage to forcing school children to learn about transgenderism (personally, I think the left is recruiting kids into the LGBT alphabet). College faculty members are writing books about, and openly defending, pedophiles. If you don’t believe a man can paint his toenails and compete against women you’re a military-grade white supremo-bigot.
Related: Pro-Pedo Prof Gets Clown-Slapped and Placed on Leave
When I was a kid, we said the Pledge of Allegiance every day. Some of today’s teachers have been caught indoctrinating school kids with communism and giving them extra credit for going to Antifa rallies. One actually took the American flag out of her classroom and had her kids pledge allegiance to the LGBT flag, telling me again that our kids are being recruited to the rainbow squad.
As the Republican party becomes a new home to libertarians, swing voters, and pissed-off former Democrats, the Democrat party has been commandeered by socialists, commies, and spoiled Antifa prags who are happy to throw a punch at an 81-year-old man in a MAGA hat but get their gender-free asses kicked when they go up against someone who isn’t older and frail.
Click here to check out a video that contains graphic and hilarious scenes of Antifa getting pummeled when they foolishly take on American patriots.
Today’s Democrat party is run by anarchists and the dinosaur legacy politicians who pretend to be progressives, like Schumer and Pelosi, who are hanging on the hair of their chinny, chin lizard skins before the young turks relegate them to the tar pits.
And talk about a major turn in the Democrat party: today’s John Kennedy is on our side.