95-year-old Pearl Harbor Survivor Receives A Special Birthday Surprise

Honor to whom honor is due

A local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Virginia recently held a surprise birthday party for Joseph T. O’Shea, a 95-year-old Pear Harbor survivor.


The thoughtful gesture is a touching reminder that the veterans, who have fought on our behalf, live in our communities and work in our cities. They answered the call when it came, and they deserve our utmost honor and respect for what they’ve put on the line for us — even if it’s in the smallest of practical ways.

Recognizing our nation’s heroes goes beyond “holidays” like Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Founded in 1899, the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization celebrates its own birthday as an organization on September 29.

What are some of your ideas for honoring our veterans? We’d love to hear from you.

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