Patrick Richardson’s Tatler post below describes a conflict between the DOJ Inspector General (IG) and the rest of DOJ in getting to the bottom of the Gunrunner scandal. This is the same problem which afflicted the investigation of the New Black Panther dismissal and the Office of Professional Responsibility whitewash which was covered by Pajamas here and here. At least the IG is more independent than Robin Ashton, the head of OPR.
The DOJ Inspector General is currently investigating whether the DOJ Civil Rights Division employs a racial double standard in enforcing the law and engages in ideologically driven hostility toward race neutral enforcement of civil rights laws. I am told the IG has uncorked a variety of unsavory behavior by DOJ lawyers, some currently in management positions, including conducting a politically charged analysis of whether or not to bring civil rights cases, not based on the law and facts, but depending on whether groups like the ACLU and NAACP would be angered by the lawsuit. Wait and see whether these facts make the final Inspector General report.
Moreover, the resumes obtained by Pajamas Media of Obama administration DOJ hires paint a disturbing portrait of an ideological crusade to fill the DOJ with fellow travelers (and Obama donors). There will be extensive coverage about the people hired into DOJ at Pajamas Media shortly. This is big stuff, and you’ll find all the details at PJM in time. Stay tuned.
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