The leaking coming out of the “classified” SEAL mission to kill Bin Laden is staggering. Everyone knows it is National Security Amateur Hour in this administration. But we now learn from Fox News, in yet another leak of classified information, that the propensity of this administration to leak forced the SEAL mission to launch. In other words, the timetable for the mission was dictated by the tendency of Obama administration officials to leak.
“The decision to launch on that particular moonless night in May came largely because too many American officials had been briefed on the plan. U.S. officials feared if it leaked to the press, bin Laden would disappear for another decade.”
Compare this to 1944. Hundreds (if not thousands) of Americans knew the plans for D-Day leading up to June 1944. But Hitler still thought the invasion would come in Calais. Once upon a time, Americans ran the government who understood that talking meant Americans would die. The Bin Laden operation was a smaller operation compared what the military regularly requires. Foreign intelligence services must be salivating with delight over this bunch.
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