Remembering the Fallen and Honoring Officers for National Police Week

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Our brave law enforcement officers often don’t get the respect they deserve. The “defund the police” movement that has cropped up over the past decade highlights bad officers at the expense of hardworking officers who put their lives on the line day in and day out.


This week is National Police Week, which has a six-decade history of memorializing fallen police officers as well as honoring those who continue to serve and protect. “In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as Police Week,” explains the National Police Week website.

Elected officials across the country have marked National Police Week this year — including some from my home state of Georgia, which I’m proud to share with you. Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) issued a proclamation for Peace Officers Memorial Day and National Police Week and ordered flags at half-staff across the state on May 15.

“During this National Police Week, I was honored to join my House colleagues at a prayer vigil and flag laying ceremony hosted by Speaker Mike Johnson to commemorate our nation's fallen officers,” Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) wrote in an email to constituents. “At the ceremony, it was my distinct privilege to lay an American flag in honor of two fallen law enforcement officers from Georgia's 10th District.”


“Our nation's police officers put their lives at risk every day in service to our communities,” he continued. “They are due our utmost respect, gratitude, and support for their courage and sacrifice.”

Members of the Georgia General Assembly commemorated National Police Week as well:

Lt. Gov. Burt Jones (R-Ga.) penned an op-ed at the Daily Caller in which he highlighted the importance of honoring our officers and remembering their fallen comrades at a time when the left is trying to demonize law enforcement:

Last weekend’s shooting of three brave Atlanta police officers is a harrowing reminder of the risks our law enforcement officers face daily to keep us safe. Far too often, these risks are overlooked and underappreciated. While we will never be able to fully repay our brave men and women in blue for their sacrifices, we MUST show our unwavering support and fight back against the radicals who would rather blame our country’s ills on law enforcement instead of on the criminals they’re trying to stop.


The Peach State is taking steps to honor law enforcement and to make officers’ jobs easier:

I am proud that the Georgia General Assembly passed the Back the Blue Act this legislative session. This law establishes the Back the Blue Fund, which enables vehicle registration applicants to make voluntary contributions to fund bonuses for deputy sheriffs and jailers. Having been a proponent of the Back the Blue Fund since my time as a state senator, I was especially proud to see its passage. 

In addition to the Back the Blue Act, the General Assembly also passed Senate Bill 63, which keeps violent and repeat criminals off the streets. This commonsense, tough-on-crime approach to our bail system allows our law enforcement officers to truly focus on public safety by getting violent criminals away from the general public.

Even though National Police Week is almost over, you can still honor officers in your community. This website offers practical tips for families, teachers and homeschool parents, senior citizens, churches, and others.

“Please join me this week in thanking an officer for all they do, and risk, to safeguard us,” Collins suggests. Even a simple expression of thanks goes a long way for the men and women who wear the badge.

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