Joe Biden's Latest Ice Cream Run Reveals the Harsh Reality of Bidenomics

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

It's common knowledge that Joe Biden loves ice cream. Chances are that when the president is out and about or on a campaign stop, the outing will include an ice cream run.


In North Carolina, Biden particularly enjoys ice cream from Cook Out. Who can blame him? For the uninitiated, Cook Out is a fast-food chain in the Southeast and along part of the Eastern Seaboard that offers delicious food and great prices. It's also a Christian company, which is a plus. 

I'm going to divert off course for a quick personal story: about 10 years ago, my family was on vacation in Myrtle Beach, S.C. when we went to Cook Out for supper. The sign outside the restaurant advertised "50 Combos for $4.99," and one man came in and made a complete a** of himself demanding in all seriousness that he should be able to buy 50 meals and pay $5.

Cook Out also has dozens of options for ice cream flavors. Cook Out calls them milkshakes, but they're so rich and thick that you need a spoon to eat them. So you can see why Biden loves to stop at Cook Out when he can.

Some Bidenista named Tori Taylor hyped Biden's visit to a Cook Out in Raleigh, N.C., along with Gov. Roy Cooper (D-N.C.):

The press office for Sen. Phil Berger (R-30th district) couldn't resist pointing out something interesting from the president's visit to Cook Out.


We don't know the exact date of the first image in Berger's press office tweet, but it was obviously when we were in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic since Biden was wearing one of those stupid masks. We can guess that it was 2020 or 2021, but what's worth noting is the price differential.

Related: The Do-or-Die Moment for America

In the first image, a junior tray, which involves a smaller main item and two sides, was $4.99, while a tray featuring a larger main and two sides, was $5.99. The second image, which we know is from the president's visit this week, shows the junior tray at $6.59 and the regular tray at $7.59.

That's an increase of 32% for the junior tray and a 27% jump in price for the regular tray over three or four years! (Aren't you glad I did the math for you?) I wish I could've found the price differential for those milkshakes that Biden loves so much, but you can bet they've gone up by about the same amount, too.

Joe Biden and his campaign team are so desperate to remain in power that they try to convince us of the fiction that the president's economic policies have been good for us. They've even adopted the once-mocking term "Bidenomics" in their attempts to lie about the state of our economy.

It's not hard to see through the ruse. All you have to do is walk into Cook Out or any number of restaurants, grocery stores, and gas stations across the country to see what Team Biden has done to prices. 


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