The Mainstream Media Has Declared War on Opposing Views — Here's How to Fight Back

(AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

For generations, we conservatives have complained about media bias, and we’ve had good reason to. Just like every other aspect of culture, the left has dominated the mainstream media for a long time. As a result, an institution that once devoted itself to giving the public the facts has become a vast left-wing spin machine.


It’s been this way for a long time, but we now have one member of the mainstream media on record as saying that the media is at war with those who don’t fall in line with the left’s narrative. Ben Collins, NBC’s reporter who covers “disinformation, extremism and the internet,” (I know — it’s hilarious) recently received one of the 2023 Walter Cronkite Awards for Excellence in Television Political Journalism from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

When you’ve stopped laughing, read on.

The theme of this year’s awards was “best practices of TV journalism aimed at combating disinformation and defending democracy,” and we know that those phrases are dog-whistles for holding up the left’s talking points, which makes Collins the perfect recipient.

As part of the awards, Collins wrote an essay (Nieman Labs, which published the piece, called it a “memo.”) about the state of journalism today, and it should alarm anyone who doesn’t fall hook, line, and sinker for the left’s narrative.

Collins writes about reporting on the “Fear and panic and paranoia and lies and deceit that led to terror, death and the attempted disenfranchisement of American voters.” Wait a second? Who’s scaring and killing people and preventing them from voting? This is more melodramatic than anything that’s actually going on in America.


He writes about “hate,” which we all know is how the left views disagreement — even when the facts are on the side of those who disagree. You see, Collins, and by extension the people who gave him the award, think of those of us who believe that men are men and women are women, who want to protect life, and who value freedom of speech as people who are full of “hate.”

Not only that, but people who write and report the truth that bucks the left’s narrative are “manipulators.” Using biological facts, relying on centuries-old truth, and believing in the God of the Bible are all “propaganda.” In Collins’ eyes, it’s a battle, and the winners are the left-wing media machine.

“When media manipulators were met with a unified opposition armed with clear facts — when that unified opposition stood firmly alongside those who were constantly attacked by men with powerful and profitable propaganda machines — that opposition won,” he writes. “We won. The news won.”

At the end of his screed, Collins quotes Stonewall Jackson: “When the war comes, you must draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.” (No joke — he actually quoted a Confederate general, which goes to show that the left is totally down with the Rebs when their words fit the left’s rhetoric.) Collins then writes, “I’m confident I threw away my scabbard.”


Far-left “journalists” like Ben Collins have declared war on anyone who doesn’t fall in lockstep with the left’s narrative. But there’s good news! You can fight back by supporting outlets like PJ Media. We need your support now more than ever before.

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