The Lincoln Project Can't Grasp Why Fox News Won't Run Its Ad Attacking Fox News

(vincent desjardins) from Paris, France, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

One of the most hilarious things to come out of the emergence of Donald Trump as a political force is the Lincoln Project. The organization refers to itself as “a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy,” but these supposed saviors of conservatism beclown themselves with their attacks on Donald Trump and conservatism in general day after day.


It’s hard to imagine any group that lets Trump live rent-free in its head so easily, but the Lincoln Project produced an ad trolling Donald Trump by going after Fox News. I’d link to it in this piece, but I don’t want to you be angry with me for wasting 60 seconds of your life. The TL;DR is that Fox News stars hate Trump, so the network is dumping him.

Fox News declined to air the ad, and the Lincoln Project just can’t fathom why. The organization sent out a press release calling Fox News a bunch of “snowflakes” who are “too afraid to let their audience see the truth” because the network chose not to air the attack ad.

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“Fox News loves to hit people night after night, but in reality, they are whining pansies who can’t take the heat and only care about the money they bring in for themselves,” Reed Galen, co-founder of the Lincoln Project, said in a less-than-eloquent statement. “They hate their audience and fill them up every single night with a torrent of crap that is only meant to frighten them and poison their worldview. Anyone who watches Fox News knows that the network wants its audience dumb, poor, and unhealthy so they can control their political opinions. Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson, and Fox News are an abusive force in American life.”

The press release goes on to assert that Fox News wants to suppress Trump and promote DeSantis, but isn’t downplaying Trump what the Lincoln Project wants?


“In a new ad, The Lincoln Project tells Donald Trump that Fox News is ignoring him and hoping he will just disappear as they raise Ron DeSantis’s profile,” the press release reads. “Despite all the money he’s made Murdoch, Hannity, and Carlson, they laugh at him and think he’s terrible. It’s time for Donald Trump to get back on Twitter and reclaim his audience before it’s too late.”

It’s hard to figure out what these tools at the Lincoln Project are trying to accomplish here, beyond patting each other on the back for how clever they think they are for attacking both Trump and Fox News. Do they think that Fox News is so hard up for money that it would blindly accept the ad? Are they trying to draw more attention to their antics by complaining that Fox News won’t run the video?

I don’t know which is the bigger mystery: why people take the Lincoln Project seriously or why the Lincoln Project thinks people should take it seriously.


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