New York Times Tries to Prop up Stacey Abrams by Denying How Far-Left She Is

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

The left is desperate to make Stacey Abrams a thing. Ever since she lost Georgia’s gubernatorial election in 2018 (but won in her mind), Democrats and their useful idiots in the media have tried so hard to prop Abrams up as the future of the party.


Maybe it’s guilt for pushing so much financial support and media attention to Beto O’Rourke (D-Neverland) in 2018 instead of Abrams. Or perhaps it’s because the Democrats’ bench is so shallow, with all those old white people in party leadership. Either way, the effort to make Abrams more important and influential than she actually is continues.

Witness this New York Times article from Sunday. Astead W. Herndon, who, according to his bio, is “a national political reporter based in New York,” penned the article with the headline, “Left and Center-Left Both Claim Stacey Abrams. Who’s Right?

Herndon writes:

“I don’t think anyone could call Stacey Abrams a moderate,” said Aimee Allison, the founder of She the People, a progressive advocacy group for women of color.

Moderates would beg to differ. They see Ms. Abrams as an ally for rejecting left-wing policies that center-left Democrats have spurned, like “Medicare for all,” the Green New Deal to combat climate change and the defunding of law enforcement in response to police violence.

“I don’t know that anybody in the party can say, ‘She’s one of us,’” said Matt Bennett, a founder of Third Way, the center-left group. “We can’t pretend she’s a moderate,” he added. “But the progressives can’t say she’s a progressive and not a moderate. We’re both kind of right.”


Herndon goes on to decry the efforts of Republicans like Gov. Brian Kemp (the best governor Georgia has had in my lifetime) to label Abrams as a far-left progressive as “attacks,” while he quotes Democrat strategists who “compare her to other center-left national figures who had credibility among the grass-roots base, like Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.”

One Abrams spokesman quoted in the article goes so far as to call her a “capitalist.” (And she might well be, as long as she can sell copies of her romance novels.)

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Herndon’s tweet promoting the article referenced Abrams’ “intentionally hard-to-name ideology.”

But people who actually live in Georgia and know exactly what Abrams is about — as opposed to reporters who are “based in New York,” like Herndon — have weighed in on the truth that Abrams is no center-leftist and that her ideology is pretty easy to name: it’s knee-jerk far-leftism.

For starters, Cody Hall, Gov. Kemp’s communications director, set up an easy laundry list of Abrams’ policy positions:


And let’s not forget that Abrams has contradicted her own statements:

The truth of the matter is that Stacey Abrams is a far-left progressive who has far more in common with the Squad than she does with the “center-left,” no matter what reporters like Herndon claim.

She’s no moderate, and she’s a danger to the people of Georgia and the rest of the nation. The media needs to stop trying to turn Abrams into something she’s not: a reasonable politician.


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