
Karl Marx: Father of Genocide and Tyranny

AP Photo/Kurt Strumpf

On March 14, 1883, Karl Marx did the first good deed of his life — he died. But his evil ideology, like an undead zombie, has continued to resurface and cause havoc ever since his death up to our own day.

Communism/Marxism is responsible for more mass murder than any other ideology in world history, even Islam, which is quite a record. Even now, Communism is one of the top two deadliest and most tyrannical ideologies around the world. That is the legacy of the insidious Karl Marx. But don’t just take my word for it — let’s look at the data.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is history’s greatest mass murderer, with 500 million victims and counting. That staggering number includes the 400 million victims of abortion/infanticide under the CCP’s one-child policy on top of the death toll from numerous other politically and religiously based massacres. The CCP continues to practice ethnic-based genocide against the Uyghurs to this day. CCP dictator Mao Zedong was personally responsible for up to 65 million victims, and his party carries on his bloody legacy.

The second worst Communist murderer in terms of numbers is Soviet Russia. Communist dictator Josef Stalin is estimated to have killed between 9 and 20 million people and possibly more. After all, the record-keeping on mass murder under Stalin was not the most honest or accurate. The Holodomor alone left nearly 4 million Ukrainians dead. Like Mao, Stalin had millions of victims from induced famine.

Arguably, the most deadly Communist dictator in terms of population percentage was Pol Pot. In Cambodia, under Pol Pot’s Communist Khmer Rouge regime, up to 3 million people were massacred, partly in the infamous “killing fields,” out of a population of some 7 million. That means around 40% of Cambodia’s population was wiped out by the Khmer Rouge. Read my interview with a Cambodian survivor of the massacres, and watch him below. 

Fidel Castro is a piker compared to Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot, but thousands of Cubans still suffered tragic fates under his regime. The Castro regime in Cuba had at least 10,723 victims. 

Related: EXCLUSIVE: Survivor’s Recollections of Genocidal Khmer Rouge Civil War

The unspeakably vicious and brutal Communist Viet Cong was another mass murdering Marxist terror entity. At least a million civilians were killed, likely much more. Sadly, we will probably never know the true number of the Viet Cong’s victims (not even counting our American heroes), since the current Vietnamese government obviously doesn’t have any interest in discovering the truth — I know from personal experience that its domestic propaganda is still painting the U.S. as the source of all ills — and most of the worthless American media is still pretending our withdrawal was a victory, and that the only “war crimes” were committed by Americans. Read about Viet Cong atrocities here and learn the buried truth.

Tragically, the Viet Cong’s Marxist successors continue to control and render miserable Vietnam in our own day, thanks to our abrupt withdrawal (after we won most of the battles) and the support and influence of Communist China. Two Marxist dictatorships united.

Add up those numbers, and Marxism/Communism is responsible for about 524 million deaths and quite probably more. That doesn’t include any of the vast and continuing economic and cultural impacts of Marxist ideology in numerous countries, including right here in America. If ever there was a special place in hell for a heinous sinner, that place is for Karl Marx.


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