
The Pro-Death Left: Gaza Rioters and Abortion-Lovers Join Forces

AP Photo/Noah Berger

“If you look at liberalism as a religion,” observed the great Rush Limbaugh long ago, “abortion is the sacrament.” The death cult in the Democrat Party has only spread, combining glorification of abortion with bloodthirsty hatred of Israelis and of Jews in general.

If there’s one thing that both the speakers and the activists at the recently ended Democrat National Convention (DNC) amply demonstrated, it is that the left loves death. Perhaps it is no surprise, therefore, that the same people who practically worship abortion also support genocidal Islamic terrorists. Of course, the Democrat Party was the party of the KKK, the Red Shirts, and Confederate war criminals — perhaps it was inevitable they would descend into the depths of deadly ideologies.

There were free abortions outside the DNC, along with violent riots in support of jihad-loving Gazans. Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris apparently repeated Hamas talking points in her speech, saying of Gaza, “So many innocent lives lost. Desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, over and over again — the scale of suffering is heartbreaking.” Except that’s all based on Hamas-issued propaganda.

Kamala also blathered about “the Palestinian people” needing “freedom and self-determination” when the overwhelming majority of Palestinians support genocidal jihad to wipe Israel off the map. Besides Gazan terrorists, do you know what else Kamala cares about? Abortion, abortion, and more abortion. Trump wants to “enact a nationwide abortion ban,” she falsely claimed, making it clear that she would prioritize baby killing if elected. What a joyous and loving message.

RelatedLies, Damned Lies, and Kamala’s Propaganda About Gaza and Israel

But Kamala is hardly the only example of one leftist combining two pro-death leftist ideologies. A recent incident of vandalism just after the DNC closed in Chicago illustrates what I mean, and just how sick leftists are now.

Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported on August 23 about Aid for Women, a Catholic Chicago pregnancy center, that was vandalized and its doors cemented shut just after the DNC ended. Considering the pro-Gaza message the vandals used, and considering how many antisemitic crazies and abortion-lovers showed up for the DNC, it’s not unreasonable to see a correlation between the two events: the DNC and the vandalism.

The nonprofit operates five pregnancy centers and two maternity homes in the Chicago area. The group partners with the Archdiocese of Chicago and offers a range of services including ultrasounds, abortion pill reversal medications, counseling, and material aid.

[Mary] FioRito, who has been a regular volunteer at Aid for Women for over two decades, told CNA that the incident occurred in north Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood… According to FioRito, four vandals splattered red paint and painted the words “fake clinic” and “the dead babies are in Gaza” on the center’s entrance. FioRito said the vandals also cemented the center’s doors shut, forcing staff to cancel all appointments on Friday — which she said were with about a dozen women

The attack constitutes a potential Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act violation.

FioRito lamented the appointment cancellations that the vandalism caused, saying, “These are working-class women. A lot of stuff for them is a struggle. Why would you do this to women who already are facing so many obstacles? It baffles me.”

It doesn’t baffle me, as disgusting as the attack is, using Hamas propaganda about “dead babies” in Gaza and deliberately sabotaging a center providing life-giving care. Democrats hate life and babies. The same radicals who support terrorists who behead and burn Israeli babies alive also support “doctors” who rip the limbs off and crush the heads of unborn babies

Coincidence? No. It’s the Democrat death cult.


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