
With Islamic Violence Rampant, Western Leaders Cry Islamophobia

AP Photo/Bilal Hussein

Western leaders are again expressing support for jihad-loving Gazans and mourning fake “Islamophobia” while Muslims murder, rape, and pillage around the world.

Democrat candidate and racial chameleon Kamala Harris is garnering Muslim endorsements, and the UK is providing extra security for mosques. Meanwhile, violent Muslims in Western nations and many countries across Africa and Asia are committing horrific crimes and atrocities. At what point do woke leftists finally realize the Islamic world wants to kill them and destroy their world?

Islamic scriptures endorse and even command both killing of non-Muslims and rape of non-Muslim sex slaves. Unsurprisingly, therefore, for more than a millennium, many Muslims have taken the scriptures of their faith seriously and practiced sexual crimes and murder on a wide scale. 

Of course, there are many Muslims who are peaceful, but it is key to remember that they have to ignore or twist commands of their own “sacred” texts to be so. Furthermore, it is a simple fact, with many examples in history to prove it, that whenever any country has a strong enough minority or a majority Muslim population, it will inevitably devolve into tyranny and violence. The fate of Lebanon is a modern example; and France and Great Britain are getting dangerously close.

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Speaking of Great Britain, the UK government just announced its taxpayers will be on the hook for yet more money to provide security for mosques. “This announcement will build on the existing Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, with up to £29.4 million already available this year to fund security at mosques and Muslim faith schools,” the Labour-dominated government babbled. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said, “Britain is a proud and tolerant country.” Prime Minister Keir Starmer vowed “zero tolerance” for “Islamophobia.” 

In this eminently tolerant country, Muslim gangs roam looking for victims with police protection and an Islamist just stabbed little girls to death. At the same time, according to journalist Andy Ngo, “Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, England — ‘Muslim patrol’ members are continuing their attacks through the streets of the town as they hunt down white people accused of being part of the anti-mass migration protest.”

Nor is the UK the only country backing Muslim jihadis despite Muslim violence. Both Hamas and the Taliban have financially benefited from lavish Biden administration funding, and Democrats have consistently undermined and vilified Israel. That seems to be paying off for VP Kamala Harris, as the Black Muslim Leadership Council NGO, which didn’t even endorse Biden, reportedly just endorsed Kamala and cited her support for Hamas-controlled Gaza.

This comes just after the Biden administration offered a plea deal to 9/11 terrorists and then canceled it after backlash. And in Toronto, according to JihadWatch, “After 4 arson attacks against Jews in 3 days, cops go to synagogue to talk about ‘Islamophobia’.”

Indeed, Robert Spencer’s JihadWatch has several illuminating stories on the effects of this woke idiocy in Europe, and Islamic violence in multiple nations. In Portugal, the cross of the San Lázaro national monument statue was just destroyed by migrants, and in Spain, a “Muslim migrant slits throat of Spanish man, three people have throats slit in 72 hours.” Philadelphia’s streets were filled with pro-jihad radicals and Hezbollah flags.

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Iran’s Permanent Mission to the UN has stated that the Hezbollah terrorist group it backs will be specifically targeting Israeli civilians, soon after 12 Druze children were killed in an attack attributed to Hezbollah. Yet another Christian woman was abducted and forcibly converted to Islam in Egypt, and a Somalian ex-Muslim and his family were viciously attacked. Also in Somalia, a jihadi beach attack left 37 dead and many more wounded. In Nigeria, long plagued with jihadi genocide, at least 16 people were killed when Muslims planted a bomb in a cafe.

If woke leftists believe that they will never end up being targets of Muslim radicals, they are delusional. Jihadis will rape and kill the Starmers, the Kamalas, and the Queers for Palestine with glee if they have the opportunity.


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