
Death Penalty Threats and Zombie Joe: Will CCP Strike Taiwan?

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) finally about to take Taiwan? Between China-pandering Joe Biden’s increasingly disastrous campaign performance against anti-CCP Donald Trump and the CCP’s new deadly threat against Taiwanese patriots… is the hammer dropping at last?

From the CCP perspective, plagued as China is with economic problems, and facing the possibility of a second Trump presidency, is this not the time to strike Taiwan? In fact, the CCP has threatened advocates of Taiwan’s continuing independence from China with the death penalty. I hope I am wrong, but it does seem as if circumstances are pointing toward a major CCP strike in the near future.

The CCP is arguably the worst dictatorship not only in the world now, but in all of history. It certainly holds the mass murder record with 500 million victims and counting. One of its consistent crimes is imprisonment and execution of political dissidents. Since the CCP falsely claims that Taiwan is not and should not be independent from CCP rule in mainland China, it is now openly threatening to kill Taiwanese patriots, whom it labels “separatists.” From The Irish Times, June 22:

China on Friday threatened to impose the death penalty in extreme cases for “diehard” Taiwan independence separatists, a ratcheting up of pressure even though Chinese courts have no jurisdiction on the democratically governed island.

China, which views Taiwan as its own territory, has made no secret of its dislike of president Lai Ching-te who took office last month, saying he is a “separatist”, and staged war games shortly after his inauguration… [there’s] a pattern of ramped up Chinese pressure since Lai won the election in January, including ongoing military actions, trade sanctions and coast guard patrols around Taiwan-controlled islands next to China.

Biden and China could soon be at war if the CCP invades Taiwan. As Foreign Policy argued in a recent piece, Biden’s avowed strategy against the CCP is both foolish and unrealistic: “aiming to merely ‘manage the competition’ does not make sense … Like every historical rivalry, the contest between Washington and Beijing will eventually conclude. (After all, Athens and Sparta no longer compete.) So what is Washington’s desired end state?” A good question indeed. We know Trump’s goal was to weaken the CCP, but the Biden administration has consistently pandered to the CCP.

CCP state media Global Times tried to frame the debate as equally bad for both Donald Trump and Joe Biden, even quoting substantially from AP to assert that Trump had lied nonstop (good to know U.S. media is now the quality of Communist propaganda). But the state media outlet not only asserted the debate lacked “vitality,” it specifically said “US President Joe Biden delivered rambling answers.” Coming upon several years of sneering at and insulting Joe Biden and his administration, it would seem pretty clear that the CCP, like so much of the rest of the world, does not take Biden seriously — who can?

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True, the CCP has been threatening war against the U.S. for years without launching open conflict. But there are different kinds of warfare. The CCP has certainly infiltrated U.S. institutions, bought off our politicians — including Biden — waged economic warfare, and possibly developed Covid-19 as part of a bioweapons program.

We’re already at war with the CCP, and the question remains now only how soon the war will involve weapons and an invasion of Taiwan.


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