
Democrats Label Facts ‘Misinformation’ to Crush Free Speech

AP Photo/Anjum Naveed

The Biden administration and all their fellow anti-free speech Marxists are rapidly advancing to the point where they will no longer secretively but openly and arrogantly crush speech, including important political facts, with the flimsy excuse of stopping “misinformation.”

Have not the government censors been targeting free speech as “misinformation” for a long time, you might ask? Yes — but even just a year ago, even some months ago, the censors were trying to hide their actions, keep them secret. They denied or justified the actions when they were caught. Now that has changed.

U.S. government agencies and globalist entities are completely frank about their pressuring of tech companies to censor speech — they are even proud of their anti-constitutional actions. This is an ominous sign, especially ahead of the 2024 election, but it indicates that soon woke leftists won’t even pretend to care about constitutional rights or legal restrictions. And Heaven help us then.

For instance, Biden campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod recently went on MSNBC to make the astounding argument that sharing actual footage of a real Joe Biden fail was “disinformation” and necessitated government-tech-media collusion to censor. “Disinformation is alive and well,” Elrod claimed, sniffling, “Biden was out there literally representing America at the G7, saluting our troops, you know, doing what he does as president of the United States.” It is true that Biden was doing what he usually does as president — embarrassing America.

But Elrod then launched into her anti-First Amendment tirade. “Look, we’re gonna see more of this. I mean, this is just the reality of campaigning in 2024. So we have to combat that disinformation,” this woke Karen declared. “We have to hit it hard when it happens and make it clear that these are dirty tactics that MAGA Republicans are using because they can’t run on the issues.” Actually, Biden is extremely unpopular among Americans precisely because Democrats currently can’t run on the issues, as the Biden administration has been an all-around disaster.

Elrod then appeared to vow that Biden’s direct action would crush speech. “We’re going to do what we can to combat it but it does take the voices of surrogates across the country. It does take the media to call it out,” she blathered. “It does take social media platforms where a lot of Americans are getting their information to point it out as well.”

In other words, the Democrats plan to silence you and tell you it’s for your own good. No more pretense at government-Big Tech separation. After all, the FBI recently confirmed it was restarting coordination with Big Tech. The Democrats can’t win by argument or by having a record of success, so they plan to stamp out as much information on their failures as possible. What’s to hide?

Of course, the Biden administration, including Biden himself, has repeatedly called for censorship over the years, and the Murthy v. Missouri case before the Supreme Court provides extensive evidence of the government pressuring and coordinating with Big Tech to censor. The terrifying part, as I noted, is how utterly brazen the Biden administration has become—as if it is so sure of its own power and success that it can afford to tell us to our faces the Constitution means nothing to them.

After all, the Biden administration is enamored of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which severely restricts and suppresses speech online. If Republicans don’t win big in 2024, we could well be looking at a Soviet-style censorship regime right here in America.


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