
U.S Must Decouple From China on Rare Earths for National Security

AP Photo/Andy Wong

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano is absolutely right: America must decouple from Communist China in the rare earths market as a matter of national security.

As Morano noted, America doesn’t have to rely on China for rare earths, as we could mine and process them ourselves if we had fewer pointless and harmful environmental regulations. Why on earth would we keep relying on our existential enemy for the materials so necessary to make the electronics on which our society depends?

KTRH News out of Texas quoted Morano to emphasize the seriousness of the situation. “We can't mine this stuff in the United States due to our standards, but we're gobbling it up from China,” Morano explained. “And it's just a huge problem. We have some of the highest levels of rare earths in the world, but we're not allowed to access them.” Think of the jobs to be created and the independence to achieve by mining our own rare earths!

“This is a national security issue,” Morano said to KTRH. “You want domestic, home grown energy and rare earth minerals and supplies. When you don't have that, you become reliant. And when you're reliant on a country like China, that's about the worst case scenario.” Especially since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) keeps threatening military action against us!

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I reported last year that the CCP controls up to 90% of the world’s rare earth processing. Why does that matter? Rare earths are essential to all the electronic devices and chips upon which we depend. It’s an increasingly massive problem that the CCP so entirely monopolizes this rare earths market. How easily the CCP could bring our economy to a grinding halt! And since CCP dictator Xi Jinping told Biden he intends to seize Taiwan, and Xi’s regime reportedly told its people in 2019 it was in a war phase with the U.S., that’s a real possibility.

America needs to face the fact that the CCP’s stated goal is to control and dominate the entire world, as Fox News China expert Gordon Chang previously emphasized. You might think that sounds crazy, but it’s pure ideological cultural imperialism to deny the CCP’s explicit aims. That’s why the CCP has infiltrated governments and institutions around the globe, including and especially in the United States.

American politicians and businessmen (like Elon Musk) who think they are friends with the CCP are deluding themselves. Ironically, while critiquing Trump — who strongly opposed the CCP — CCP state propaganda outlet Global Times just asserted that the difference between Trump and CCP-pandering Biden is just “in the degree of toxicity.” Ultimately, no amount of appeasement will ever satisfy the CCP, which wants to destroy the U.S. and take over as the dominant world power. In that same piece, Global Times arrogantly declared, “The recognition that the US might continue to create obstacles for China's global ambitions, but will not be able to halt its ascent, reflects confidence in China's resilience and capabilities.”

The CCP aims to usurp America’s role as dominant world power, even as it controls the rare earths America needs. That’s a recipe for disaster.


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