Tuberville: ‘I Work for the People,’ While the Pentagon Values Abortion Over Everything

AP Photo/Butch Dill

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) is standing firm in blocking hundreds of Biden administration nominees as the Democrats refuse to drop illegal military abortion funding. He noted that he works for his constituents and American taxpayers, rather than his own Party leadership — or, for that matter, the Biden administration.


Ironically, even though it’s Democrats who are holding up their own nominations by refusing to drop Pentagon abortion funding, Tuberville is the one who has come under fire from both Democrats and Republicans. In May, thousands of active duty military and veterans signed a letter supporting Tuberville and opposing the Pentagon’s illegal attempt to subsidize abortions. 

The troops said that woke administration policies, not Tuberville, were impacting “military readiness,” which is 100% true. The military is not about to fall into an unparalleled catastrophe because of Tuberville, and even if it were, it would be the fault of the Democrats, who are sticking to their illegal abortion funding at the expense of all else. 

In fact, Democrats are trying to change the Senate rules to get around Tuberville rather than drop the abortion funding. The Democrats care more about killing babies than they do about military readiness, and you would think that Republicans would be happy that one of their senators is not simply being a waste of space for once.

It is interesting to note that one event being weaponized against Tuberville is the hospitalization of the Marine Corps commandant. What the left doesn't tell you is that Lt. Gen. Karsten Heckl was always there to take command temporarily, which he did, so Tuberville is not preventing the Marine Corps from functioning. And again, the Democrats could drop their illegal abortion subsidies at any time.


LifeNews reports that Tuberville said on Newsmax Wednesday, “I don’t believe that the White House and the Pentagon can just write a memo and change the law and make an unlawful abortion policy.” He added, “I like Senator McConnell, but I don’t work for him. I work for the people of Alabama and the taxpayers and citizens of this country.”

The senator noted that Republicans need to decide if they are pro-life or if they are willing to compromise on baby murder under pressure from Democrats. 

“I’m having to fight the Democrats and now having to fight some of my own side, [my] own party. We gotta figure out whether we’re pro-life or not. I think that’s where we need to … have a discussion,” he said. Unpopularity doesn’t make him wrong. 

“We’ve gotta stand up. When things get tough, that’s when you gotta get tougher,” he insisted. “[The Biden administration] hadn’t been told ‘no’ in three years. I’ve told them ‘no’ now for nine months … on these holds, and I’m going to stick with it, I’m not changing my mind.”

LifeNews explained the situation more clearly:

Instead of ending the abortion funding to allow the 300+ military nominees to be approved by one vote (they can be approved individually but Democrats would rather trash Tuberville than hold multiple votes), Democrats want to change the rules. And Tuberville says Biden would rather trash the Senate than back off his illegal pro-abortion policy.

Tuberville said Biden would rather “burn the Senate down” before negotiating to lift Tuberville’s hold on Senate approval for military promotions en masse…The pro-life senator also said his hold is not hurting military effectiveness because top positions have temporary people filling them — most of whom would be approved by the Senate anyway.


As Tuberville put it on CNN, “It’s typical of this place. This administration would rather burn the Senate down and that’s what would happen … If you change the rules of the Senate then it lasts forever.” He pointed out, “If they go around and, without negotiating, change the rules of the Senate it just goes to show you they want it their way or the highway.” 

In fact, as LifeNews noted, a new report found that more than a dozen GOP senators, even those who disagree with Tuberville’s stand, are concerned that Democrats are trying to alter Senate rules to get their way. As Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) described Tuberville’s stance, “The point he’s raising with the Pentagon is that they’re violating current law.” In other words, Tuberville is doing his job by refusing to ignore illegal Biden administration policies.

Have you noticed that it’s always Republicans who are supposed to compromise? Democrats never cave on anything they really want; they just lie until Republicans give in.

I know other Republicans disagree with me, but I say, God bless Tuberville. He has refused to cave to deceptive Democrat propaganda, and he is standing firm against an illegal policy to subsidize unborn baby killing with federal money at the expense of military readiness. 

The Biden administration has no business using our taxpayer dollars to impose its own woke agenda on the military. It’s that same woke agenda that is killing recruitment and turning our once-great military into a leftist morass. If only more GOP politicians had the courage of their convictions, maybe Republicans would actually win some victories against the Biden administration instead of always giving the Biden administration exactly what it wants. 



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