Rest Ye, Lesbian Gentlefolx: Catholic Cardinal Slams Anglican Service’s Woke Rewrite of Christmas Carol

(AP Photo/Claude Paris)

A new “inclusive” version of the classic 17th century Christmas carol “God Rest Ye, Merry Gentleman” was performed at a Church of England service in Leicestershire, causing Catholic Cardinal Vincent Nichols of the UK to emphasize the importance of shared traditions over modern ideology.


An American minister unfortunately penned the rewritten carol, which was exported across the sea and performed Monday during the Mayor of Charnwood’s carol service at All Saints with Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough, Leicestershire, according to the UK Daily Mail. The woke version includes the lines, “God rest you also, women, who by men have been erased,” and “God rest you, queer and questioning.” I’m questioning, all right. And considering that the song was performed in England, which until late this year had been ruled for 70 years by a queen, I take leave to disbelieve the “erasing women” balderdash. 

Catholic Cardinal Nichols, archbishop of Westminster, wasn’t made merry by the woke carol, either. “I think what Christmas does, it tells us the importance of ritual,” Nichols explained, according to the Daily Mail. “Ritual helps us to step outside of our own little bubble, connect with something that we have received, inherited, and that we hope to pass on.” Unfortunately modern leftist snowflakes usually prefer creating bubbles to stepping outside them.


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Nichols, who insists that the COVID-19 pandemic is leading people back to church despite historic lows of British identifying as Christian, continued, “I think those values – of a continuation of musical repertoire, of the ability to sing together, of looking at the rituals that have been fashioned over centuries – for me, those are probably more important than particular sensitivities which come and go.”

Amen, Cardinal Nichols.


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