The Democrats Just Overthrew Their Own Election

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in whatever room the good Doctor Jill is currently pacing.

It actually happened. Joe Biden has succumbed to the pressure campaign from within his own party apparatus and has endorsed Kamala Harris.  Assuming the Democrat convention moves forward with her, I mean election...expect her campaign to center on three issues: abortion, abortion, and abortion. As of this writing, Biden had won 3904 delegates, whereas 5, 3, and zero had gone to Democratic challengers Jason Palmer, Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson, respectively.  There were no delegates for Kamala Harris, or for Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, or any of the other possible replacements. Biden had won in all 50 states and had won over 87% of the popular primary vote. This wasn't last year or last election, this was a couple months ago.


On our side, Donald Trump had 2231 delegates to the 97, 9, and 3 for Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy, respectively. If you think about that, it means that a greater percentage of Democrat delegates were secured for Biden this primary than Republican delegates were secured for Trump. But did that matter to the Democrat power brokers?

Please control the howls of laughter and clean up the coffee you just spewed out all across your screen...that was a rhetorical question.

In this respect, the Pelosi/Obama junta differs little from Thomas Crooks only in their methodology. Crooks used a gun, and Pelosi/Obama used a behind-the-scenes coup.  But the goal is the same, as are the implications beneath. They, not you, decide who gets to be president and who gets dispatched to either a humiliating forced retirement or an early grave. Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter, and neither does your vote. Democrat voters would be wise to see that this is just as much a threat to their voting rights as it is to ours.

But they won't. That's fine. Par for the course. If this, like the assassination attempt, doesn't open their eyes to the raw fact that the Left will hold on to power at all costs whatsoever, then nothing will. But from this point on, they have no authority whatsoever to preach about election interference. To the extent that they sincerely felt they held the moral high ground, they just unconditionally surrendered it for the entire world to see.


What a joke.

At least in the quaint days of yore, they could at least claim with sneering condescension that they only went after us toothless, inbred Republicans. Hence, the 2000 election denialism, the 2004 claims that Ohio was rigged, and the 2016 Russiagate nonsense. But now they're eating their own, as leftist movements are destined to do. They used their long-reaching Establishment cane to pull Bernie off the primary stage twice, and now they're doing it to their own sitting president.

So if Trump wins in November, expect the Left to blame white supremacy, or the Jews, or the Nepalese intelligence services, or global warming, or whatever. Anything but their own incompetence and treason. But whatever hilarity they inject into the discussion about "voting rights" and "election integrity" should be laughed at, derided, exposed, and then ignored.

I suspect, at this point, many of them won't bother trying.


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