Bobulinski Bombshell: The Bidens are 'Compromised' and Lying About Joe's Knowledge of Hunter's Deals With China

Tony Bobulinski. Screenshot from video of his interview with FNC's Tucker Carlson.

Former Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinski appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on the Fox News Channel Tuesday night. The former U.S. Navy nuclear technology officer explained in detail how he became involved with the Biden family and the nature of the deals they have been engaged in primarily through Hunter Biden, Joe’s son.


Bobulinski made it clear that he had no desire to appear on national television for any reason, and certainly not in a moment of controversy. He said his motivation is that the American people must be informed about the Biden family’s questionable business relationships with CEFC and Burisma, the Chinese and Ukrainian energy companies, respectively, that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from despite having no experience in the energy field.

One of Bobulinski’s more explosive comments was that the Chinese government directly loaned the Biden family $5 million, interest-free. This makes the Biden family “compromised,” in his opinion, meaning they cannot be trusted with sensitive roles or information due to the control others may exert over them using some leverage or advantage they have obtained. Joe Biden is, of course, running for president of the United States.


To them, it was always the Biden family. Wasn’t Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, it was the Biden family and led and operated by Joe Biden and in that document that you guys have, and I think has been provided to the world, the Chinese reference that because of their trust in the Biden family, that they were excited about moving forward and in that document, they reference loaning $5 million to the family, that is, the Biden family, and notice they didn’t say we are loaning that money to Tony, we are loaning that money to Bob Walker and not a document generated by me, but documented and generated that they are loaning that money the Biden family.


Bobulinski also stated that the email referring to “the Chairman” is referring to Joe Biden. That email says Hunter Biden consults with and seeks the sign-off of his “chairman” on his international deals, in direct conflict with Joe Biden’s claim to know nothing of his son’s business.

Bobulinski stated that Joe Biden’s claim of knowing nothing about Hunter’s business arrangements is a “blatant” lie.

After Bobulinski detailed the Biden family’s complex business associations with international energy firms, Carlson pressed him to describe what qualifications the Bidens bring to the table that put them in a position to even be part of such deals.

CARLSON: “So I just want you to assess once more, is there anything about Hunter Biden’s personal experience, personal qualifications that would justify him doing a deal in Kazakhstan?”

BOBULINSKI: “Absolutely nothing. The only thing that he had was the Biden family name and the fact that his father at one point obviously was a sitting vice president and potentially would run as a future president.”

Bobulinski told Carlson his motivation to speak stems from the fact that Democrats, including Rep. Adam Schiff, have smeared him as engaging in “Russian disinformation.” Bobulinski noted his own military service and the multiple high-level security clearances he held while in the military, and the fact that military service runs in his family, saying he found the accusation “disgusting.” He told Carlson he spoke with Biden family representative Rob Walker before going public and asked him to get the Democrats to cease smearing him and to retract their statements. When they refused, he felt he had no choice but to go public. He said it is his “patriotic duty” to speak out.


On Carlson’s show, Bobulinski effectively destroyed the “Russian disinformation” smear the Bidens and the Democrats as a party have leveled against him.

Since speaking out and providing first-person accounts and hard evidence of the Biden family’s questionable deals, which the Bidens have not directly addressed or refuted, Bobulinski says he has received death threats and is no longer staying at his home. He is now protected by former Navy SEALs.

More: Just watch.

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SHOCK: Email Says Chinese Energy Company Loaned Biden Family Millions — Interest-Free


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