Sebelius: The Fact That We Didn't Do Our Job Doesn't Mean You Can Escape Obamacare

HHS was supposed to come up with a form that Americans could fill out to claim a hardship exemption from Obamacare’s individual mandate. HHS has had three years, but has not produced that form, so Americans who might seek a hardship exemption cannot even apply for one.


Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) brought this issue up during today’s House hearing with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Sebelius offered no mercy to Americans facing hardship due to Obamacare.

Gingrey said “16 million people in the individual market have or will receive cancellation notices stating their health insurance coverage does not meet minimum coverage requirements of the affordable care act. It grants you the power to determine the criteria for hardship exemption. Will you provide all of these individuals a hardship exemption since the affordable care act is taking away their plan? Will do you that?”

Sebelius’ reply: “No, sir.”

The Obama administration has granted exemptions for Congress, unions and corporations, but not for individual Americans.


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