Dem Rep. Bill Pascrell Acts Like a Child During Obamacare Hearings

The House Ways and Means Committee is trying to get to the bottom of the reason that Obamacare’s $400 million website doesn’t work. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) evidently doesn’t think Americans who paid for that website deserve any answers. He launched into a childish tirade during today’s hearing, exhibiting aggressive, mean-spirited behavior that suggests he should never be trusted to own a firearm.


Noah Rothman has more on the incident at Mediaite.

Pascrell blew up at Rep. Tim Griffin (R-AR) who insisted that the GOP has put forward a number of proposals to ensure that low-income people in need of care receive it.

“Are you really serious?” Pascrell shot back. “After what we’ve gone through and what we’ve gone through in the last three and a half years?”

“We’ve gone through 44 votes, 48 votes now of you trying to dismantle the legislation,” he concluded. “You call that cooperation?”

Pascrell exhibited that “Shut up, already!” behavior that has typified the entire Democratic Party since Obamacare’s disastrous rollout. “It’s the law of the land so stop trying to stop it or change it!” they scream, before pivoting to attack the Second Amendment or change immigration law. “You’re not cooperating and you don’t have an alternative!” they shout, when they never wanted any GOP input and ignored the simple reforms — tort reform, competition across state lines, high-risk pools, etc — that would have made healthcare cheaper, more accessible and more affordable, but would not have made the federal government more powerful.



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