Former Obama Spokesman Gibbs Says It's 'Unbelievable' that Obama Didn't Know About Obamacare Website Problems

Even former Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs doesn’t believe the White House’s latest line. Gibbs appeared on MSNBC today and told Willie Geist the White House’s entire handling of the Obamacare fiasco is unbelievable.


GEIST: “Robert, it kind of defies belief that no one knew that there were problems before it went up. And we have seen report after report from tech experts who worked on the project who said ‘there were problems, there were problems.’ And we told the White House about the problems and they went forward anyway. When does the White House step up and take a little more responsibility for what happened here.”
GIBBS: “Well I think they did that with the president in the Rose Garden and I think the reason it defies belief, Willy, is because it is unbelievable. There is no doubt in my mind that people at HHS and involved in this project knew this wasn’t going to work. I mean, it’s inconceivable that no one tested it.”


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