Wendy Davis Set to Pick Up More DC Cash for Her Texas Governor Run

Democrat Wendy Davis is set for another Washington fundraiser. At the end of this week, the senator best known for championing late-term abortion at substandard clinics will appear alongside (but not allow herself to be photographed with) Beltway Democrats like Nancy Pelosi. Such photos would prove harmful to Davis’ campaign to make herself appear to be a mainstream Texas politician, instead of the partisan Democrat that her record shows that she is.


Davis’ campaign will hold the fundraiser here:




Davis can expect a decent turnout for her DC fundraiser. The fact is, out-of-state fundraisers are funding her campaign far more than Texans are. According to Texas Ethics Commission records examined by The Real Wendy, Washington alone accounts for far more of Davis’ campaign funds than one of the Democrats’ strongholds in Texas.



The Rio Grande Valley is typically one of the Texas Democrats’ fundraising cores. But while Davis has raised very little there to date, she has raised more than 75x more money from Washington than from the RGV.

The media loves Wendy Davis. Washington politicians love Wendy Davis. Texans though…if you go by her fundraising totals so far, not so much.


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