Facebook's Ad Algorithm Is A Poopy Head

Last week I wrote a piece about bullying. My take on bullying is about as politically incorrect as it is possible to be. I don’t agree with school “anti-bullying” programs, and do not believe that bullying is an issue worthy of the President of the United States’ time. Especially since the current president is the Bully in Chief. I believe that most cases of childhood bullying can be solved by allowing kids who are bullied to defend themselves. The community should back victims up if they do defend themselves.


The piece I wrote last week centered on a study that shows that school “anti-bullying” programs may really be bully training programs. The study found that those programs show bullies how to be more effective bullies, while they also show bullies that no one will be allowed to stand up to them. I posted the link to Facebook to share it with my legions and legions of friends and fans.

Today, Facebook is suggesting this.


The link goes here, to the unfortunately named “The New Bully” website. Was the old bully defeated, or allowed to roam free by a leftist system that empowered him? Promoting that article to me may be due to an algorithm kick from the article I posted, or it may be part of Facebook’s latest anti-bullying drive.

“We are in this together and we can create change,” Nicholas says. Sure, and change is needed, but what kind of change are you proposing? The way we handle bullying now empowers bullies and leaves their victims to be victims for life. If you’re not about changing that, I’m not interested.

Are we going to change the way leftists bully everyone from attentive parents to veterans to the entire South to anyone and everyone who disagrees with them? If you’re not about changing that, I’m not interested.


As for Facebook’s “anti-bullying” drive, look out because it’s being done alongside the habitually bullying government of the state of Maryland. Soon enough criticizing that government on Facebook will end up being labeled “bullying” and censored.


Cross-posted from the PJ Tatler


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