It's Hard to Blame Cory Booker. Would YOU Want to Live In Newark?

I wouldn’t. Of course, I wouldn’t pose as the mayor of the place either.

Multiple residents of Newark told The Daily Caller that the longtime mayor doesn’t live at any of the addresses he has claimed as home. The mayor is believed to live in New York even though he is registered to run for New Jersey’s special senate election.

Booker, who filed to run for the U.S. Senate from a P.O. Box in Newark, is registered to vote at 435 Hawthorne Avenue but his next door neighbors told this reporter and filmmaker Joel Gilbert on camera that they haven’t seen Booker in years and that he doesn’t live there.


Well, it’s Newark. Everybody knows the place is a blue-state sty. Forget that Cory Booker was elected to clean the place up. How is he supposed to do that when the place is so unlivable and the Democrat base is so unreasonable? He’s a wealthy lefty who can afford to live outside the places that leftism has utterly ruined. So he does.

“Does he still live here?” Gilbert asked Booker’s neighbor, Tashay Thomas.

“He never did,” she replied. “His security guards live here.”

Why did he claim to live there while sending police to be quartered in a private home?

“Because he is a liar.” Thomas replied.

Thomas yelled out to someone across the street: “They’re looking for that fake mayor who says he live here. He does not live here!”

If only we could reach T-Bone. I’m sure he would tell us where Cory Booker really lives.


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