Twelve IRS Units, Not 'a Couple of Rogue Employees,' Targeted Conservative Groups

Lois Lerner lied. Elijah Cummings’ credibility died.

Group 7821, Group 7822, Group 7823, Group 7824, Group 7827, Group 7828, Group 7829, Group 7830, Group 7838, EOG-7887, and EOG-7888, and the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division in Washington, D.C. all targeted conservative groups between 2010 and 2012, according to documentation compiled by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which has filed a class-action suit against the IRS.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee investigating the IRS targeting scandal, previously suggested that tea party applications were sent only to Group 7822 for scrutiny. Cummings released transcripts of an interview his staff conducted with John Shafer, an employee of the Cincinnati IRS office, who claimed that he sent tea party applications specifically to Group 7822.

“Based upon everything I’ve seen the case is solved,” Cummings said on CNN during a June 9 interview.


This was too widespread not to have come from Washington and not to have been official policy at some level.


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