While We Await What May Be Jay Carney's Final White House Press Briefing...

Let’s watch Jay Carney claim in November that any changes to the Benghazi talking points that the White House and State Department requested were “stylistic.”


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We now know that the changes that the administration requested were numerous and substantive, not stylistic. The State Department requested numerous changes deleting references to the terrorist groups who conducted the attack. They even removed reference to the Sept 10 warning. Some of the changes were made after a Saturday meeting at the White House, one day before Ambassador Susan Rice’s infamous five-shot blaming the YouTube movie. Principals involved include State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, who said she was acting on behalf of officers senior to her, and Ben Rhodes, the fiction writer who has become Obama’s “voice.” Neither of these officials speak for themselves in their jobs, but on behalf of their seniors — Clinton, in Nuland’s case, and Obama, in Rhodes’ case.

Likewise, in his current job, Carney does not speak on his own behalf, but on behalf of the president. His November claims, then, were made on Obama’s behalf and with his approval. And they were lies.


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