Paul Ryan Calls on AG Eric Holder to 'Step Aside'

In an email that went out to supporters of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign today, running mate Paul Ryan called on Attorney General Eric Holder to quit his post. Ryan’s email says:


It’s time for Attorney General Holder to step aside.

He’s misled Congress, and entirely botched the investigation of the Operation Fast and Furious debacle — yet he still leads our nation’s Justice Department.

It’s just another example of the Obama Administration’s transparent hypocrisy that despite the tragic and very human toll of this scandal, Attorney General Holder refuses to resign — and President Obama refuses to remove him.

It’s up to the American people to replace both of them on November 6. Let’s call it “The Clear Choice.”

Donate now to vote Barack Obama and Attorney General Holder out of office on Election Day — so that Mitt Romney and I can restore justice to the Justice Department.

Thank you,

Paul Ryan

Members of Congress have previously called on Holder to quit or be fired. Romney called for Holder to resign or be removed in December 2011.

Ryan’s email comes after fresh revelations in the Fast and Furious scandal. Univision has uncovered dozens of weapons tied to the scandal, dozens more murders tied to the scandal, and international connections to it. His email could also signal that Romney intends to bring Fast and Furious up during Wednesday night’s presidential debate.


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