The Dream Fades as Democrats Move Obama Speech from Stadium to Much Smaller Arena

The Democratic Party has made the decision to move President Obama’s acceptance speech from Bank of America Stadium — a name that the Democrats couldn’t bear to say — to Time Warner Cable Arena. They’re claiming weather is the issue, but seating is the real issue. Bank of America Stadium can seat more than 77,000, while Time Warner Arena Cable seats just 20,200 at its maximum and can seat as few as 14,000 and appear full.


Four years ago, Candidate Obama had little trouble filling stadiums, provided the warm-up acts were good enough. In May 2008, the communist band The Decembrists opened for Obama in Portland, OR and the crowd topped 75,000. He could do that when he was selling hope and change.

Now, Obama is selling hate and division and a faded American dream. My generation will bear the brunt of the looting of the treasury that Obama has engineered. The unions got theirs and will keep getting theirs if he stays in office, while four million families slipped from the middle class into poverty and 23 million remain unemployed. If we stay on our current path the economy shuts down in 15 years.

Watch the president’s warm-up acts this week. Watch the class warfare and collectivist politics on display. Watch the signals that the Democrats are sending out this week. We belong to the government. Taxpayers should fund abortion on demand. America no longer has our allies’ backs. Democrats will keep sacrificing the US economy for climate pseudo-science. God has no place in their party platform. They can’t even print the words “balanced budget.”


Watch the defensiveness and the envy and the dishonesty on display in Charlotte.

Whether you bring back the Decembrists or not, that’s going to attract what you might call a more selective audience.

But there is undoubtedly room in the arena for a few fake Greek columns. Too bad they’ll symbolize the Greek economy that Obama has delivered.


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