World Shattering Exclusive: AP Tracks Down Obama's Transgender Former Nanny

Good work, AP. The MSM goes to the other side of the world to vet Obama’s transgender Indonesian nanny.

But not the man himself. Breitbart had to do that.


I wonder: Since AP can track down a transgender nanny in Indonesia, how about tracking down some of those silver pony tailed radicals Baraka Obama (not a typo, that’s on the Alinsky poster in Breitbart’s post) is rumored to have run around with in his college days. Most of them probably still hang around Columbia U.

Or, even easier and more current: AP could vet Sandra Fluke’s contraceptive cost claims. Visit that Target that’s less than 3 miles from Georgetown. Or, do a little legwork on Fast and Furious.

I mean, the nanny story is interesting and all. But there are other things going on in heaven and earth than Evie the transgendered nanny.


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