More than half of the new jobs created in June were created in Wisconsin. Hm.
Earlier this month, analysts were dismayed by the nation’s anemic job creation numbers. On Thursday, state officials were pleased as they released data that showed more than half of the net new jobs added in the US in June came from Wisconsin. “We have made difficult decisions in our state, but they are beginning to payoff,” said Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R). “The national job figures remind us that we can not rest after one month of good news; while there will be ups and downs along the way, we must help lead the nation to recovery.”
Using seasonally adjusted data, the 12,900 private-sector jobs created in June marks the largest one-month gain in Wisconsin since September 2003. The state’s net new job gain for June is 9,500 jobs, more than half of the nation’s net gain of 18,000 jobs for the same month.
Let’s see, has there been any high-profile action in Wisconsin that might have an impact on the job picture there? The Democrats fled the state for a while, that might have helped. Big Labor bused in a bunch of protesters, but being protesters, they presumably either didn’t have jobs or already had union jobs.
Could it be that simply declaring the state “open for business,” as Gov. Scott Walker has, and then following through with a campaign promise to rein in government worker unions to get the state on a more sound fiscal footing, made the difference?
Nah, can’t be that.
Seriously, this has to be a thorn in the Obama bunch’s side. You take a liberal state, make it less liberal and more business friendly, and suddenly it’s got a good little job creation thing going. Sort of undermines the left’s support for unions and, really, their general worldview a bit.
With recalls of a handful of Republicans coming up, Walker and the GOP suddenly have some strong data to push back with.
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