After the mass exodus from his campaign a little over a week ago, Newt Gingrich blamed it all on strategic differences and said the crew that left simply didn’t want to run a modern campaign (never mind one of the departed, Rick Tyler, had been with Gingrich for 15 years). Specifically, he said they wanted to run a “1952 campaign,” whatever that means. Gingrich also promised that going forward, his campaign would be a serious and modern campaign about ideas.
Whatever else can be said of Newt 2.0, apparently it’s not a campaign about geography. Gingrich’s non-1952 campaign is staying tight to a pair of small patches of ground.
Want more evidence how Newt Gingrich is no longer campaigning in the early nominating contests? In his schedule this week, all of his events are within driving distance of his Georgia and DC-area homes. On Tuesday, he attends a screening of “A City Upon A Hill” in Savannah, GEORIGIA [sic]… On Wednesday, he delivers a speech on the federal regulations and the Federal Reserve at the Atlanta Press Club’s Commerce Club in GEORGIA… And on Thursday, he speaks at a Maryland Republican Party dinner in BALTIMORE. This is what a campaign looks like when it’s running on fumes.
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