Weiner's wife pregnant

I posted this story up in the Scuttlebutt headlines until I had some time to take care of other posts and digest the news itself. It’s the kind of news that turns a tragicomedy into a plain old tragedy.


Their marriage has become the subject of intense speculation and scrutiny amid an embarrassing online sex scandal.

Now, Representative Anthony D. Weiner and Huma Abedin are about to make news of a different kind: they are expecting their first child.

Ms. Abedin, 35, is in the early stages of pregnancy, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.

The pregnancy, which the couple has disclosed to close friends and family, adds a new dimension to questions about the future of their marriage.

That’s an understatement. And the news has drawn additional rage from Joan Walsh, already captured on MSNBC being annoyed with Weiner for helping make her look stupid for defending him. Weiner is dealing with larger issues now than whether or not his political career survives; his little pastime has damaged an awful lot of people who put their names on the line because they once thought well of him. He’s a man without a shred of credibility, and because of the way he’s trying to hang onto his congressional seat, without dignity.

The Democratic leadership remains silent. How long can that last?


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