The International Monetary Fund sure knows how to pick ’em. Its last leader resigned in disgrace after assault and pulling a “Do you know who I am?” on a hotel maid; the woman seen as his likely successor is a synchronized swimmer. And that’s the least of her troubles.
Christine Lagarde, a 55-year-old former lawyer and synchronised swimmer, is being investigated for abusing her position to help a controversial businessman.
She is said to have awarded some £270million to Bernard Tapie, a convicted football match fixer and tax dodger who supported her governing UMP party. …
Judges will take a decision on whether to prosecute Ms Lagarde on June 10th – at a critical moment in her campaign to succeed Strauss-Kahn at the IMF.
Ms Lagarde’s bid for the IMF’s top job had been endorsed by the UK’s coalition government, which indicated she was preferred to former Labour prime minister Gordon Brown.
So we’re learning that the IMF had/had a unique atmosphere during Strauss-Kahn’s tenure. What did US Treasury Sec. Timmy Geithner see while he was there? He. Ain’t. Sayin’. So he says “go ask a woman” who worked there. (Geithner clip via Ace)
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