Andrew Breitbart brought the True the Vote national summit to a close today, with tales of celebrities flying coach, battles with Media Matters and Talking Points Memo, the NPR, Planned Parenthood and ACORN battles, being banned from the Huffington Post for telling the truth, and the ongoing quest to raze the liberal media. Here are just a couple of his standing-o lines:
“Allen West and Herman Cain have more courage in their thumbs than the entire Republican Party.”
“Katie, ya got fired.”
He’s out with a book, Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World. If you haven’t seen Andrew Breitbart speak in person, you’ve missed hearing from one of the most effective, even dangerous, conservatives around.
As for True the Vote, we’ll have videos from the conference at PJTV, interviews with founder Catherine Engelbrecht, Andrew Breitbart and lots of others, next week. So keep an eye on PJTV next week, and keep an eye on True the Vote. It’s a national movement now, and there will be regional summits to spread their tools and methods for detecting and fighting voter fraud all over the country.
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