Fiorina Drops Out, Promises to 'Not Sit Down and Be Quiet'

(Andrew Cline/

Following disappointing finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina has suspended her presidential campaign.

“This campaign was always about citizenship—taking back our country from a political class that only serves the big, the powerful, the wealthy, and the well connected,” Fiorina posted minutes ago on her Facebook page. “Election after election, the same empty promises are made and the same poll-tested stump speeches are given, but nothing changes. I’ve said throughout this campaign that I will not sit down and be quiet. I’m not going to start now.”


“While I suspend my candidacy today, I will continue to travel this country and fight for those Americans who refuse to settle for the way things are and a status quo that no longer works for them.”

Fiorina was angry after being shut out of last Saturday’s presidential debate, calling it “an utter disgrace for our party and for our democracy” in an email to supporters. She said ABC refused to let her campaign even buy a commercial during the debate.

“Our Republican Party must fight alongside these Americans as well. We must end crony capitalism by fighting the policies that allow it to flourish. We must fix our festering problems by holding our bloated, inept government bureaucracy accountable. Republicans must stand for conservative principles that lift people up and recognize all Americans have the right to fulfill their God-given potential,” she wrote today.

“To young girls and women across the country, I say: do not let others define you. Do not listen to anyone who says you have to vote a certain way or for a certain candidate because you’re a woman. That is not feminism. Feminism doesn’t shut down conversations or threaten women. It is not about ideology. It is not a weapon to wield against your political opponent. A feminist is a woman who lives the life she chooses and uses all her God-given gifts. And always remember that a leader is not born, but made. Choose leadership.”


Fiorina stressed that “a leader is a servant whose highest calling is to unlock potential in others.”

“I will continue to serve in order to restore citizen government to this great nation so that together we may fulfill our potential,” she added.

Fiorina got 1.9 percent of the vote and one delegate in the Iowa caucuses. She received 4.1 percent of the vote and zero delegates in New Hampshire.

In case you missed it, here’s PJTV’s interview with Carly: “44 Questions You Never Thought a Presidential Candidate Would Answer with Carly Fiorina.”


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