Times-Picayune reporter Sheila Grissett, “embedded” with the Army Corps of Engineers, reports:
The latest prediction of reduced Hurricane Gustav storm surge should be good news for the Industrial Canal and St. Bernard Parish levees, but may still potentially put water over deficient levees on the west bank of Jefferson Parish, the Army Corps of Engineers’ ranking officer said Sunday. …
Just 24 hours ago…predicted surges at landfall ranged from 20 to 25 feet along the coast. They have since fallen to a range of 12 to 16 feet.
There’s much more local news from Louisiana in the New Orleans Hurricane Center.
Meanwhile, another great resource is the Best of New Orleans Blog. Among other things, they’re reporting on major evacuation problems along I-59 (the contraflow is called “a joke”), giving us an introduction to Houma, the town that may take Gustav’s hardest blow (and the town, as I mentioned earlier, where The Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore is riding out the storm); and posting pretty, eerie photos of “The Big Empty,” post-evacuation New Orleans.
P.S. Speaking of those “pretty, eerie photos,” the Times-Picayune has a video along the same lines:
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